Bash while loop usage with examples for beginners
Using bash while loop has it's own advantages compared to any other loops. How do you perform a certain task ...
Using bash while loop has it's own advantages compared to any other loops. How do you perform a certain task ...
I get this question a lot from many users, how can I run a certain command in a loop for ...
Welcome to a simple yet essential guide on how to bash compare numbers. In the realm of bash scripting, comparing ...
Introduction - Bash split String into Array In Bash scripting, working with strings is very common. One important skill is ...
It is a normal or I would say daily use case for a Linux developer to work on a script ...
Log files can be used to gather details about the state of the system and attacks on the system.Suppose we have a system connected to the Internet with SSH enabled. Many attackers are trying to log in to the system. We need to design an intrusion detection system to identify users who fail their login attempts. Such attempts may be of a hacker using a dictionary attack. The script should generate a report with the following details:
Earlier I had written an article with the commands to check memory usage per process in Linux. Now what if ...
We can use the associative arrays of awk to solve this problem in different ways. Words are alphabetic characters, delimited by space or a period. First, we should parse all the words in a given file and then the count of each word needs to be found. Words can be parsed using regex with tools such as sed, awk, or grep.
Using this hash, we can compare the hash against a list of hashes already computed. If the has matches, we have seen the contents of this file before and so we can delete it. If the hash is new, we can record the entry and move onto calculating the hash of the next file until all files have been hashed.
The world of computing is deeply intertwined with the realm of text processing. Every configuration file you've edited, every script ...
In this article I will share the steps to display equal alignment of multiple columns i.e. to convert space delimited to tab delimited using shell script.
In this article I will share a sample script to Calculate Loan EMI Amount using a shell script in Linux. While ...
In this article I will share a sample script which will act as an interactive calculator using shell or bash ...
In this article I will share a sample script to add thousands separator comma in a number which can be ...
bash check if string contains numbers. bash check string contains letters. bash check if string contains special characters. bash check ...