Git merge Introduction
Merging in git is the process of connecting forked history. That facilitates the joining of two branch histories into one main. When you finish working with all the relevant commits for your active repository, git allows you to merge all into the main branch. Git merge
is simply the act of combining branches. Git usually seeks the unifying base among the two branches for successful merging to be effected. Without identifying the common ground git merging will cause an error or git conflict.
A successful git merge process will form a new commit merge. That implies that all previous commit histories will now create one main branch.
In this tutorial about git merge
, we will explain the concept of git merge
, the steps and merging examples, and handling git merge conflicts.
Syntax to perform git merge
You can check the official documentation to get the syntax of git merge:
git merge [-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit]
[--no-verify] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]]
[--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [-F <file>] [<commit>…​]
Git merge workflow
Following image explains the workflow for get merge:
From the above diagram, if we merge my-branch
into the main-branch
, git will point the main branch to the last commit D
. That is because both branches share a base commit. Also, the head will point to the main-branch
as it is directly ahead of commit D
in the sequence.
The new flow is diagrammatically illustrated below:
The above illustration is what is known as the fast-forward merging in git.
We can also merge feat-branch
 into the main
branch which will alter the current history as shown in the following diagram.
From the diagram, feat-branch
is the active branch and it is pointing to the last commit E
while the main-branch
still points to commit D
. The reason is simple, we haven’t merged the feat-branch into the main branch yet. Also, you will notice that my-branch
isn’t visible anymore as we have merged into the main-branch
To merge the feat-branch
into main-branch
, git employs a three-way merge process. Git will facilitate the merge basing on three conditions/snapshots to create one branch.
- Commit B which is the common connector
- Feat-branch most recent commit E
- Receiver branch(main-branch) recent commit D
See the process below:
For the three-way merging process, git is incapable of pointing directly to the last commit as it does in a fast-forward approach.
In the next section of this tutorial, we will further illustrate the git merging workflow using working examples.
Steps for merging in git
Apply the following steps for successful merging git without conflicts/errors:
## Switch to the branch to which you want to merge into.
## We will merge feature branch to main branch so switch to main branch
git checkout main
## Pull the latest changes from remote repo of respective branch
git pull
git fetch
## Merge feature branch into main branch
git merge feature
Setting up the lab environment
For you to implement git merge processes in your next project, you will first need to set up a working environment.
I have created a remote repo azure-test
and cloned it to my local workstation windows 10 pro. azure-test
will be our project of reference while running the git merge experiments for this tutorial. Here is the output after running the git clone
$ git clone
Sample Output:
Since our git environment is now ready, we will start our practice for git merge
as per the steps covered earlier.
Example -1: Merge a commit into main/master branch
Git allows you to merge a commit from a different branch into master/main. To merge a commit into the main/master branch you will run the git merge <commmit>
Using an example we will try to merge a commit from the feat-branch
into master/main as shown below.
For a start, I will add a couple of files namely test-1.txt
and test-2.txt
in the feat-branch
and then commit them. Next, we will run the git branch –a
command to see how many branches that are in our active branch main/master
$ git branch -a
* main
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
The output shows that we have two remote branches; feat-branch
and my-branch
apart from the main branch. It also points out the main/master remote branch.
The HEAD is pointing to the main/master which implies that it is currently the active branch. We will switch from the main branch to feat-branch
to identify a commit that we are going to merge into the main branch.
First, we will run git checkout <branch name>
as illustrated below:
$ git checkout feat-branch
Switched to branch 'feat-branch'
Next, we will run the git log --oneline
command to see the commit inside our now active branch feat-branch
$ git log --oneline
57dc89e (HEAD -> feat-branch) added another new file (commit-A)
aceab92 new file added(commit-B)
d044183 (origin/main, origin/HEAD, my-branch, main) Initial commit
Let us pick commit-A
among the displayed commits then switch back to the main branch to finalize the process using git checkout<branch>
$ git checkout main
Switched to branch 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Next let's run git merge <commit>
command to finalize the process as shown below:
$ git merge <commit-A >
Sample output:
$ git merge 57dc89e
Updating d044183..57dc89e
test-1.txt | 0
test-2 | 0
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 test-1.txt
create mode 100644 test-2
By placing commit-A - 57dc89e
into the git merge <commit >
command, we have successfully merged it into the main branch on our azure_test
Example-2: git merge branch into another branch
Git is a dynamic platform that you can rely on to make instant changes whenever necessary to your commits. Let’s say you have separate branches with commits and for some reason, you wish to combine them to improve performance. Git will allow you to merge the two branches into one and conveniently move forward in your project. Let’s use an example to illustrate the concept as follows;
First, we will run the git branch –a
command to see all the branches in our local repo azure_test
$ git branch -a
* test_branch
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
Now that we have a display of all our branches, we will move forward with the experiment to merge two branches and understand how the process works. We shall try to merge the test_branch
into my-branch
in our local project azure_test
It is important to first switch to the receiver branch my-branch
as follows:
$ git checkout my-branch
Next we merge test-branch
into my-branch
$ git merge test_branch
Updating d044183..0b1dee7
test-1.txt | 0
test-2 | 0
test-3.js | 0
3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 test-1.txt
create mode 100644 test-2
create mode 100644 test-3.js
According to the test results, we have successfully merged test_branch
into my-branch
Let us run the git status command just be sure:
$ git status
On branch my-branch
nothing to commit, working tree clean
User@DESKTOP-PFQIL78 MINGW64 ~/Documents/GitHub/zure-test (my-branch)
Example-3: Handling git merging conflicts
You will likely encounter a conflict if you try to merge two files with commits that affect the same section of that file. This is because git cannot figure out the correct copy to pick for the changes to be implemented before the merge.
How to identify git merge conflict
Git prompts
Git will promptly inform you whenever you encounter a conflict and the exact file with conflicting issues. Here is an example where I merged new_branch
into the main/master branch after deleting a hello.js
file from the head and kept the changes in new_branch
Sample output
$ git merge new_branch
Auto-merging hello.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in hello.js
CONFLICT (modify/delete): error.js deleted in HEAD and modified in new_branch. Version new_branch of error.js left in tree.
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
Using git status
Running git status
command displays the current status and unresolved issues in your active branch including the conflicts. We will see how this works below.
Below are examples of common git conflicts
- Pending changes currently in our active directory will cause a conflict in case you merge without updating the changes
- Unresolved commit existing between the receiver branch and the merging branch
Steps for resolving git conflicts
- Open the file with the conflict and manually resolve the issue
- Run the git add command when through with the necessary change in the conflicting file so that the changes can be staged
- Use git commit command to update the changes
- Git will run the merge by introducing a new commit merge
You need to resolve a conflict by manually editing the file. You also need to delete the ‘<<<<<<<
’, ‘=======
’, and ’>>>>>>>’
 in the file.
 Indicates the start of the lines that had a merge conflict.=======:
 Indicates separation of the two conflicting changes.>>>>>>>
: Indicates the end of the lines that had a merge conflict.
Important commands for handling git conflicts
# git merge --abort # git reset # git diff # git checkout # git rest --mixed # git log --merge
We have covered the following topics that will help you work well with git merge for your next project:
- Understanding git merge
- Git merge syntax
- Git merge workflow
- Steps for merging in git
- Git merge examples
- Steps for resolving git conflict
- Important commands for handling git merge conflicts
Further reading
Git-merge, git-merge-conflicts