How to pass parameters to function in GO [SOLVED]

GOLANG Solutions, GO

Different methods to pass parameters to function in GO

In this article, we shall be discussing how to pass parameters to function in Golang, with help of practical examples. A function is a collection of specific parameters to execute a specific task and return desired values or without any return as well.

Golang supports two different ways to pass parameters to function as listed below.

  • Pass by value
  • Pass by Pointer

Go, uses the call/pass by value way to pass the parameters to the function. Below is a detailed explanation of the above ways.


Pass parameters by value or call by value

Golang supports the pass-by-value of parameters into a function, this simply means the parameters are copied into another location of memory. The original value of the parameters doesn't change, in any modification or access of events a copy is created. All data types in Golang i.e int, string, struct, slice, and floats are passed by value.


Example 1: Pass int as parameter

package main

import (

func multiply(n int) int {
	return n * n

func main() {
	val := 3
	fmt.Println("Original: ", val)
	fmt.Println("Pass value to function ", multiply(val))
	fmt.Println("After: ", val)



$ go run main.go
Original:  3
Pass value to function  9
After:  3


Example 2: Pass float as parameter

package main

import (

func areaOfTriangle(base, height int) float64 {
	return 0.5 * float64(base*height)

func main() {
	base := 4
	height := 3
	fmt.Printf("Original: base %v and height is %v \n", base, height)
	fmt.Println("Pass value to function ", areaOfTriangle(base, height))


Original: base 4 and height is 3 
Pass value to function  6


Example 3: Pass struct as parameter

package main

import (

type Company struct {
	Name        string
	Description string

func UpdateCompanyDetails(c Company) Company {
	c.Name = "GoLinux"
	c.Description = "Online Study Gurus"
	return c

func main() {
	res := Company{
		Name:        "JetBrains",
		Description: "Proficicient in IDEs",

	fmt.Printf("Original struct set values: %v \n", res)
	fmt.Println("Pass values to function update: ", UpdateCompanyDetails(res))
	fmt.Printf("Original struct set values after execution: %v \n", res)



Original struct set values: {JetBrains Proficient in IDEs} 
Pass values to function update:  {GoLinux Online Study Gurus}
Original struct set values after execution: {JetBrains Proficient in IDEs}

Explanation: The above examples demonstrate the pass-by-value of the variables in different data types in Golang. You will notice that the original value does not change even after modification.


Pass parameters by pointer

in Golang we can pass a pointer of parameter *variable in the calling function to the corresponding formal parameter of a function. Pass-By-Pointer allows modification of the values of the variable to which the pointer parameters point. Pass-By-pointer is supported in the following data types channel, structs, and map. Golang doesn't support the Pass-By-Reference of parameters into a function.

Under the hood creation of Map, struct, and channels in Golang should not be confused with Pass-by-reference, instead passing the variable to a function is a Pass-By-Pointer, not a Pass-By-Reference. For instance Struct contains three components in its structure namely:= a pointer of the array, length of the slice, and capacity for the slice, all this three are pass-by-pointer. Channel and Map share a common concept of using the Make() function which returns results of pointer *hmap. Its variables are created using res := make(map[type]type) for maps and channel is make(chan [channel type]).

Kindly Grab knowledge about Golang struct, Map, channel, pointer, and functions for our previous articles. Below is a series of examples:-


Example 1: Pass Map as parameter

package main

import (

func main() {

	// initiate map
	results := make(map[string]int, 0)
	// add net worth for each company
	results["Google"] = 300000
	results["Chrome"] = 4000
	results["GoLinux"] = 80000
	results["AWS"] = 60000

	fmt.Printf("Original values: %v \n", results)
	fmt.Printf("Pass-values to function: %v \n", updateCompanyNet(results))
	fmt.Printf("Original values after function execution : %v\n", results)

func updateCompanyNet(data map[string]int) map[string]int {
	data["Google"] = 9000
	data["AWS"] = 2000
	return data


Original values: map[AWS:60000 Chrome:4000 GoLinux:80000 Google:300000] 
Pass-values to function: map[AWS:2000 Chrome:4000 GoLinux:80000 Google:9000] 
Original values after function execution : map[AWS:2000 Chrome:4000 GoLinux:80000 Google:9000]


Example 2: Pass channel as parameter

package main

import (

func sendMessage(msg chan string) {
	msg <- "Hello From GoLinux Academy"
func main() {
	// initialise an empty unbuffered channel
	res := make(chan string)
	// check if the initial value of the channel
	// use goroutine
	go sendMessage(res)
	// check if the after execution value of the channel
	fmt.Printf("Response of channel: %v", <-res)


$go run main.go
Response of channel: Hello From GoLinux Academy

Explanation: In the above examples of channel and map, you will realize that the original values are modified after the execution of the functions. this is due the fact that the variable memory location or address was passed to the function as a parameter pointer.



Golang is a function-based language. The function makes clarity of code, reusability, no duplicate, simplified and single responsibility. It's clear now that Golang only supports the Pass-By-Value and Pass-By-Pointer of parameters to a function. When parameters are passed by value, the function receives a copy of the parameter and its modification does not affect the original value set.

Using Pass-by-Pointer which is used to modify the underlying param values Thus, Go does not support Pass-By-Reference.



Go pointers


Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad is the founder of GoLinuxCloud, bringing over a decade of expertise in Linux, Python, Go, Laravel, DevOps, Kubernetes, Git, Shell scripting, OpenShift, Networking, and Security. His extensive experience spans development, DevOps, networking, and security, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for diverse projects.

Certifications and Credentials:

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
  • Go Developer Certification
  • Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Python Institute PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile and join his Facebook and LinkedIn page.

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