Convert Golang Interface to String [7 Methods]


Author: Tuan Nguyen
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

In Golang, interfaces are very important. They help make our programs flexible and easy to use with different types of data. A common task in programming with Golang is turning interfaces into strings. This process, known as Golang interface to string conversion, is useful for many things like showing data to users or finding issues in the code.

In this tutorial, we will show you different ways to turn interfaces into strings in Golang. We will start with basic methods like type assertion and using fmt.Sprintf. Then, we will look at more advanced ways like using the reflect package, JSON marshalling, and custom string conversion functions. We will also talk about the Stringer interface and a simple trick using string concatenation.

Each part of the tutorial will have examples to make learning easier. By the end of this guide, you will know many ways to convert interfaces into strings in Golang. You can choose the best way that fits your needs in different situations. Let’s start learning about Golang interface to string conversion together!


Different methods to convert Golang Interface to String

In Golang (Go), when you want to convert an interface to a string, you can use various methods, such as:

  1. Type Assertion: Using type assertion to assert the interface as a string.
  2. Using fmt.Sprintf: Utilizing the fmt.Sprintf function to convert the interface to a string format.
  3. Reflect Package: Utilizing the reflect package to inspect the type and value of the interface, then converting it accordingly.
  4. JSON Marshalling: Marshalling the interface into a JSON string.
  5. Custom String Conversion Function: Implementing a custom function to handle the conversion based on the specific needs and types you are dealing with.
  6. Using Stringer Interface: If the type inside the interface has a method String() string, then that method will be used to convert it to a string when using functions like fmt.Println.
  7. Concatenation with an Empty String: If the type inside the interface is a string or has a compatible type, you might concatenate it with an empty string.


1. Using Type Assertion

Type assertion is a powerful feature in Golang that allows you to access the underlying value of an interface. It can be particularly useful when you want to convert a Golang interface to a string. Let me provide explanations with examples covering different scenarios:

1. Successful Type Assertion

In a case where the underlying type of the interface is actually a string, you can successfully assert and retrieve the string value.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	str, ok := myInterface.(string)
	if ok {
		fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Conversion failed")

In this example, since the underlying value of myInterface is a string, the type assertion (string) succeeds, and the program outputs the string.

2. Unsuccessful Type Assertion

When the underlying type of the interface is not a string, the type assertion will fail, and it’s important to handle this gracefully.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = 123

	str, ok := myInterface.(string)
	if ok {
		fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Conversion failed")

In this case, since the underlying type is an integer, the type assertion will fail, and "Conversion failed" will be printed.

3. Type Assertion Without Checking OK

You can also perform type assertion without checking whether it’s successful, but it might cause the program to panic if the assertion is incorrect.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	str := myInterface.(string)
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

In this scenario, it’s assumed that the underlying type is a string. It will work fine in this case, but it may cause a runtime panic if the actual type is not a string.


2. Using fmt.Sprintf

The fmt.Sprintf function in Golang is versatile and allows you to format and convert various types, including interfaces, into strings. Below are explanations with examples covering different scenarios to convert a Golang interface to a string using fmt.Sprintf.

1. Simple Conversion Using %v Verb

You can use the %v verb as a general placeholder to convert the interface value to a string, regardless of its underlying type.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", myInterface)
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

In this example, the interface value is directly converted to a string using the %v verb and printed out.

2. Custom Formatting for Different Types

fmt.Sprintf also allows you to apply specific formatting according to the underlying type of the interface.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = 12345

	str := fmt.Sprintf("Value: %d", myInterface)
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

Here, since the underlying value is an integer, a %d verb is used for formatting, providing more control over the conversion.

3. Handling Complex Types like Structs

When dealing with complex types like structs, fmt.Sprintf helps in converting the entire struct into a string representation.

package main

import (

type MyStruct struct {
	Name  string
	Value int

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = MyStruct{"Gopher", 100}

	str := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", myInterface)
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

Using the %+v verb will include field names in the struct, making it easier to understand the output when the interface is converted to a string.


3. Using Reflect Package

The reflect package in Golang provides functionalities to inspect the type and value of variables. It’s particularly useful when you want to dynamically discover the type stored in an interface and handle it accordingly. Here are examples and explanations demonstrating how you can convert a Golang interface to a string using the reflect package.

1. Determining the Type and Value

You can use the reflect package to determine the type of the value stored inside the interface and then convert it based on that type.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	value := reflect.ValueOf(myInterface)
	typ := reflect.TypeOf(myInterface)

	str := fmt.Sprintf("Type: %v, Value: %v", typ, value)
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

This example shows how to inspect and convert both the type and value of the interface into strings.

2. Handling Different Types Dynamically

You might encounter different types, and handling them dynamically based on the reflection could be beneficial.

package main

import (

func handleInterface(myInterface interface{}) {
	value := reflect.ValueOf(myInterface)
	typ := reflect.TypeOf(myInterface)

	switch value.Kind() {
	case reflect.String:
		fmt.Println("Converted string:", value.String())
	case reflect.Int:
		fmt.Println("Converted string:", fmt.Sprintf("%d", value.Int()))
		fmt.Println("Unknown type:", typ)

func main() {
	handleInterface("Hello, Gopher!")

In this example, different types within the interface are handled dynamically, converting each to a string based on its type.

3. Dealing with Complex Types like Structs

For complex types such as structs, you might want to convert each field individually.

package main

import (

type MyStruct struct {
	Name  string
	Value int

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = MyStruct{"Gopher", 100}

	value := reflect.ValueOf(myInterface)

	fields := ""
	for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ {
		fields += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v, ", value.Type().Field(i).Name, value.Field(i))

	str := fmt.Sprintf("Fields: {%v}", fields[:len(fields)-2])
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

This example shows how to individually convert each field of a struct into a string, allowing more fine-grained control over the conversion process.


4. JSON Marshalling

JSON marshalling in Golang is a process where you convert (marshal) data structures into JSON format. This can also be applied to interfaces. Let's explore how to convert a Golang interface to a string by marshalling it into JSON using various examples.

1. Simple Types: Strings, Integers, etc.

For simple types like strings or integers encapsulated within an interface, JSON marshalling is straightforward.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(myInterface)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", string(jsonStr))

This code snippet will convert the value stored in the interface into a JSON formatted string.

2. Complex Types: Arrays and Slices

For more complex types like arrays or slices, the conversion involves marshalling each element.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}

	jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(myInterface)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", string(jsonStr))

This will convert the slice within the interface into a JSON array in string format.

3. Structs and Nested Structs

Structs and nested structs within an interface can also be marshalled into JSON strings.

package main

import (

type Fruit struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Color string `json:"color"`

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = Fruit{"apple", "red"}

	jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(myInterface)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", string(jsonStr))

This example will convert the struct within the interface into a JSON object in string format.

4. Handling Errors Gracefully

It’s essential to handle errors that might occur during the marshalling process, such as unsupported types.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = make(chan int)

	jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(myInterface)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", string(jsonStr))

In this example, since channels cannot be marshalled into JSON, an error will be outputted.


5. Custom String Conversion Function

Implementing a custom string conversion function is a flexible approach when working with interfaces in Golang. It allows you to define how each possible type in the interface should be converted to a string. Below are various examples demonstrating how you can implement a custom function to convert a Golang interface to a string based on different scenarios.

1. Handling Basic Types

A custom conversion function can be defined to handle basic types like strings, integers, and booleans.

package main

import (

func convertInterfaceToString(i interface{}) string {
	switch v := i.(type) {
	case string:
		return v
	case int:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)
	case bool:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%t", v)
		return "Unsupported type"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", convertInterfaceToString(myInterface))

This function will convert the basic types within the interface to their string representations.

2. Handling Complex Types (Arrays, Slices, Maps)

For more complex types, the custom function can be enhanced to iterate through the elements and convert them accordingly.

package main

import (

func convertInterfaceToString(i interface{}) string {
	switch v := i.(type) {
	case []string:
		return strings.Join(v, ", ")
	case map[string]string:
		var result []string
		for key, value := range v {
			result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", key, value))
		return strings.Join(result, ", ")
		return "Unsupported type"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", convertInterfaceToString(myInterface))

This function will handle arrays, slices, and maps, converting their elements into string representations.

3. Handling Structs and Custom Types

For structs and custom types, the function can be specialized further to output a formatted string.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func convertInterfaceToString(i interface{}) string {
	switch v := i.(type) {
	case Person:
		return fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s, Age: %d", v.Name, v.Age)
		return "Unsupported type"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = Person{"John Doe", 30}
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", convertInterfaceToString(myInterface))

This will convert the struct within the interface into a specially formatted string.


6. Using Stringer Interface

Implementing the Stringer interface in Golang is a common practice to define how user-defined types should be converted into strings. The Stringer interface requires a String() string method, which will be automatically used by functions like fmt.Println to convert the type into a string. Below are examples to explain how you can use the Stringer interface to convert a Golang interface to a string in various scenarios.

1. Basic User-Defined Types

For simple user-defined types, you can directly implement the String() method.

package main

import (

type MyType int

func (m MyType) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Value: %d", m)

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = MyType(10)

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", myInterface)

In this example, the String() method helps to convert the custom type within the interface into a string automatically.

2. Structs with Stringer Interface

Structs can implement the Stringer interface, defining a custom string representation.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s, Age: %d", p.Name, p.Age)

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = Person{"John Doe", 30}

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", myInterface)

The struct Person in the interface is automatically converted to a string using the defined String() method.

3. Complex Types Implementing Stringer

Even complex types, like slices or maps of custom types, can benefit from the Stringer interface.

package main

import (

type StringSlice []string

func (s StringSlice) String() string {
	return strings.Join(s, ", ")

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = StringSlice{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}

	fmt.Println("Converted string:", myInterface)

Here, a slice of strings is converted into a comma-separated string through the String() method.


7. Concatenation with an Empty String

Concatenating with an empty string is a quick and direct method to convert compatible types inside an interface to a string in Golang. This approach primarily works well with types that are inherently compatible with strings. Let’s explore different scenarios of using this method to convert a Golang interface to a string.

1. When the Type Inside the Interface is a String

If the underlying type is already a string, concatenation with an empty string is straightforward.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = "Hello, Gopher!"

	str := myInterface.(string) + ""
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

This example demonstrates a simple case where the type inside the interface is a string.

2. When the Type is a Byte Slice

A byte slice that represents ASCII characters can also be converted to a string through concatenation.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = []byte("Hello, Gopher!")

	str := string(myInterface.([]byte)) + ""
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

In this scenario, a byte slice is converted to a string, utilizing this simple concatenation trick.

3. When Dealing with Numerical Types

For numerical types, you may combine the fmt.Sprint() function with concatenation for conversion.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var myInterface interface{}
	myInterface = 42

	str := fmt.Sprint(myInterface) + ""
	fmt.Println("Converted string:", str)

In this example, a numerical value inside the interface is converted to a string with the assistance of the fmt.Sprint() function and concatenation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Golang interface to string conversion?

Golang interface to string conversion is a procedure where data encapsulated within an interface is converted into a string representation. Interfaces in Golang hold values of any type, and converting these values to strings is a common operation, especially when output or string manipulation is necessary. It allows for a more flexible and interoperable code by aiding in the display, logging, and debugging processes.

Why do we need to convert a Golang interface to a string?

Converting a Golang interface to a string is essential for multiple reasons. It primarily aids in debugging, allowing developers to output and inspect the contents of an interface. Additionally, it is vital for logging and displaying information, where the data in the interface needs to be presented in a human-readable form or stored in logs for future reference and analysis.

How do I use type assertion to convert a Golang interface to a string?

Type assertion in Golang is used by taking an interface value and asserting it as a specific type. If you have an interface value and you know it contains a string, you can convert it to a string using type assertion. It’s like telling the compiler, "Trust me, the value in this interface is a string". For instance, if you have an interface i with a string, it can be converted as str := i.(string), where str will hold the string value.

Can the fmt.Sprintf function be used for Golang interface to string conversion?

Absolutely, fmt.Sprintf is quite a versatile function for this task. It formats and returns a string without printing it. It provides a variety of verbs for formatting, such as %v for the default format. Using fmt.Sprintf, you can convert the interface value into a string, like so: str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", interfaceValue), where str will hold the string representation of the value inside the interface.

Is it possible to convert complex types inside an interface to a string?

Yes, more complex types such as slices, maps, or even custom structs contained within an interface can also be converted to strings. Techniques such as JSON marshalling, implementing the Stringer interface, or crafting custom conversion functions are particularly handy in these cases. Each of these methods will help unfold the complexity and present the data in a string format aligning with specific needs.

What is the role of the Stringer interface in converting an interface to a string?

The Stringer interface is a powerful tool in Golang that contains a single method, String() string. Types that implement this method can define their string representation, making them automatically compatible with string conversion processes. When a type implements the Stringer interface, it ensures a specific string output, aiding in consistency and customization in string conversion practices.

How does JSON marshalling help in converting an interface to a string?

JSON marshalling is a technique where the contents of an interface are converted into a JSON formatted string. It involves translating the data structures or objects in the interface into JSON notation, a lightweight data interchange format. By utilizing the json.Marshal function, the interface contents are transformed into a JSON string, facilitating data interchange and string processing.

Can concatenating with an empty string convert an interface to a string?

Concatenating with an empty string is a simplistic approach primarily effective when the data within the interface is already string-compatible. It involves appending or prepending an empty string to the interface's value, prompting an implicit conversion to a string, given that the data type within the interface permits such an operation.

How can custom string conversion functions be used for conversion?

Custom string conversion functions empower developers to define specialized logic for converting various data types within an interface into strings. They allow for a high degree of customization, accommodating unique conversion requirements and ensuring that each data type is handled optimally according to the developer’s needs or the application’s demands.



In this guide, we delved into the multifaceted world of Golang interface to string conversion. We explored a myriad of approaches ranging from basic techniques like type assertion and concatenation with an empty string to more nuanced methods involving the reflect package and JSON marshalling. The employment of the Stringer interface and the creation of custom string conversion functions were also pivotal parts of our discussion, each offering a unique way to handle the conversion process tailored to specific needs and scenarios.

Key takeaways include:

  • Understanding the variety of methods available for interface to string conversion.
  • Recognizing the suitability of each method based on different programming needs and scenarios.
  • Gaining practical insights through detailed examples and explanations.

For further reading and more detailed insights, you can refer to the official Golang documentation:


Tuan Nguyen

Tuan Nguyen

He is proficient in Golang, Python, Java, MongoDB, Selenium, Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Scrapy, API development, Docker, Data Scraping, PrimeFaces, Linux, Data Structures, and Data Mining. With expertise spanning these technologies, he develops robust solutions and implements efficient data processing and management strategies across various projects and platforms. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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