If you've been on the internet for more than a hot minute, you've probably heard of Discord. The app — which can be downloaded on your phone, computer, or gaming console — has millions of users and is growing every day. Discord is a chatting app with a following of millions of users. Many people use it every day to communicate with friends, family, and others in their life. Whether you're a gamer, musician, artist, or just need to talk to friends, Discord is the app for you!
Discord makes it easy to stay in touch with your friends and fellow gamers. With its array of features, including voice and video chat, servers, and bots, Discord has become the go-to app for gamers and non-gamers alike. But before you can start using Discord, you need to invite friends to join you on the app. If you've never used Discord before, it can be a little daunting at first. But don't worry! This guide will show you how to invite someone to a Discord server, step-by-step.
What is an Invite Link?
Invite links are links to a discord server that contains a series of strings after the discord.gg link. They are usually randomly generated when you get an invite link. This link can also be customized if the Discord server has reached a certain amount of Server Boosts.
You can make an invite link and send it to someone to add them to your Discord server. If you are friends with them on Discord, you may also message them directly and send an Instant Invite link. Just in case, if you might want to change the invite link so that it never expires, you can choose how long until anyone can use the link that you generated.
Different ways of sending an invite link
The main difference of the two ways on inviting your friends on a Discord server is that the direct invite method, as it name suggest, invite directly to a certain person or a single person only. On the other hand, by copying the invite link, you can share the link or invite multiple person using the same link as long as you edit the link so that it won't expire easily and won't expire after some uses.
Here's the difference when you send invite links
Direct Invite
- You will be sending a single person by clicking on "Invite"
- You have to look up for their username before sending the invite.
Copying the Invite Link
- You can send to multiple members
- You can send on different messaging apps like Messenger, iMessage, Twitter, Telegram, etc.
- You can edit the uses and control the usage of the invite
How do I use the Invite Link to Invite Someone to a Discord Server?
There are two ways to invite someone to a discord server using an invite link. The first way is to directly invite the person if you are friends on Discord. You can do this by adding the person first, then sending an invite link directly. The other way is to send them the link. You can send the link externally, through other messaging apps. You have to copy the link and send it manually to your target user. Note that they should create and have a Discord account to join your server.
Here are the detailed step-by-step guide on how to invite someone to a discord server.
Step 1. Open your Discord
You need to login and open your discord app or through browser.
Step 2. Go to your Server
Go to the server that you want to invite someone to. For this instance, I will be inviting someone on my server, Chronos Guild. Click on the server's name after entering.
Step 3. Server Menu
You will be then be prompted all the settings that you can access on the server that you're in. Note that if you don't own the server, you will have lesser options. Click on "Invite People".
Step 4. Invite your friend
You can invite your friend directly. To do this you can click on "Invite". If you can't find the friend that you want to invite, you can use the search bar and look for his or her username. Make sure that you're already friends on Discord. This will then send your friend a direct message of the invite link.
Step 5. Copy the Link
You can also invite your friends by copying the link, both ways work but by copying the link, you can send the invite link on external messaging apps like Messenger, iMessage, Twitter, Telegram, etc.
Step 6. Let you friends join
Your invited friend can now join the server by clicking on the link.
Editing the Invite Link
You can also edit the invite link so that it won't expire just after a few uses and after a few hours. You can set how many days or hours and the uses of the invite link. As long as it is active, people who use this link will be able to join the server. Here's how to edit the server.
Step 1. Go to your Server
Go to the server that you want to invite someone to. For this instance, I will be inviting someone on my server, Chronos Guild. Click on the server's name after entering.
Step 2. Server Menu
You will be then be prompted all the settings that you can access on the server that you're in. Note that if you don't own the server, you will have lesser options. Click on "Invite People".
Step 3. Edit Invite Link
After clicking on Invite People, you will be able to see your friends on Discord and "Invite" them. Look at the bottom part of the screen and you will see that the default time of the invite link is 7 days. You can edit this by clicking on "Edit Invite Link"
Step 4. Expire After
You will then be asked how long do you want the invite link to expire. You will be given a drop down from 30 minutes to Never, meaning, the invite link that you will generate would never expire.
Step 5. Max Number of Uses
Then after selecting the time limit, you will need to set up the max number of uses. You will have the option from 100 uses to No Limit, meaning that your invite link will not expire and will not have a limit on uses.
Step 6. Generate a New Link
After selecting both the limits, you can now generate a new link by clicking on "Generate a New Link"
Note: You can opt to grant temporary membership for new members. Temporary members are automatically kicked when they disconnect unless a role has been assigned. This only works if you have a verification system that would give them roles. This is for the secutiry of the server.
Step 7. New Link
You will now see that you have created a new link with the settings that you chose. For this instance, I have chose to not have a limit on my link so it will never expire.
Discord invite is a great way to build your community or invite your friends if you own a Discord server. It is also a great way of sharing a good server that you find and let your friends join in. You can either invite them directly if you're friends on Discord already or just copy the link if you want to send it through different messaging platforms. Both works well. Next time you encounter a good server, invite your friends by using an invite link!
How do I invite friends to my server? - Discord Support