How to log an object in Node.js [Practical Examples]


Author: Steve Alila
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

Learning how to log an object in Node.js helps you work with objects comfortably. Although you can use multiple ways to console-log an object's content, the two primary ways are using

the util module

const util = require('util');
console.log(util.inspect( <object>, {<options>} ));

where the inspect method takes the target object and reveals its contents depending on the supplied options.



console.log('<message> %j', <object>);​
// OR
console.log(JSON.stringify(<object>, <replacer>, <indentation level>));

where %j represents JSON in string format. Alternatively, you can control the output using the stringify() method.

This tutorial walks you through how to log an object in Node.js practically using the console.log() method with the util module or JSON. Lastly, you will find an alternative way to view an entire object tree without the console.log() method.

First, it would be best to understand the options we will use. Let's get started.


Learn how to log an object in Node.js by understanding the available options

This section teaches you how the console.log() method, the util module, and JSON work. With that knowledge, you will find it comfortable to apply them.


Option-1: Using the console object

The console object is one of the high-level Node APIs for printing any data type. It has multiple methods like the log() method, mainly used during Node.js debugging.

console.log() extends to the process object, an interface for reading or writing to the operating system. For example, we can print the new Date() using the process object.

process.stdout.write(new Date().toString())

The process object expects a string input. That is why we convert the new Date() object to a string before writing to the OS.

The best part is that the high-level console.log() method does the lengthy work for you. So, you don't have to convert most of the built-in objects to a string before printing them.

console.log(new Date())

Otherwise, you must convert the object into a string before inspecting its contents.

You can customize console.log() to print a massive object, throwing its hugely nested branches. Better yet, you can effortlessly control the output using the higher-level console.dir() method.


Option-2: Using the util module

The util module presents you with multiple functions to print formatted strings. Most of the utility functions are significant for Node.js debugging.

For example, during debugging, the inspect() method lets you control an object's content to your desired nesting level and appearance. It does that through many options like

  • showHidden: a boolean property revealing (or not) an object's enumerable properties. It defaults to false.
  • depth: the number of nested levels you wish to recurse. It defaults to 2. You can recurse all branches by setting it to null.
  • colorize: enables the pretty printing of the output.


Option-3: Using JSON

JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a data representation format mainly used to work with API and configuration data.

Its familiarity with data handling arises from its lightweight, easy-to-integrate, readable, and writable formats. Being a superset of JavaScript, you do not import any library to work with JSON in Node.js.

You can print JSON data by console-logging its string %j representation of an object. Or use the stringify() method to handle more readable data.

Now that you understand the needed tools, let me show you how to log an object in Node.js practically.


Set up Lab Environment

Create and open an entry file with a code editor. Next, build a deeply nested object tree.

const managers = {
    do : {
        teams : [
                re : {
                    teams : [
                            mi : {
                                teams : [],
                                roles : ['HR']
                            fa: {
                                teams: [],
                                roles: ['Sales']
            so : {
                teams: [],
                roles: ['Marketing']
    la : {
        teams : [
                ti : {
                    teams : [
                            doo : {
                                teams : [
                                        jane : {
                                            teams : [],
                                            roles : ['AI']
                                        doe : {
                                            teams: [
                                                    sam : {
                                                        teams: [],
                                                        roles: ['DS']
                            smith : {
                                teams : [],
                                roles : ['Web3']

I have created the managers object with deeply nested subcategories (of teams and roles) inside the index.js file. If you console-log the object,


you will get concealed objects.

{ do: { teams: [ [Object], [Object] ] }, la: { teams: [ [Object] ] } }

How to log an object in Node.js [Practical Examples]

Here is how to see the hidden branches.


Example~1: How to log an object in Node.js using the util module

Import the inspect() method from the util module.

const { inspect } = require('util');

Store the output.

const output = inspect(managers, {
    depth: null,
    colorize: true

We print a colorized output revealing every child of the managers object tree.

Now log the output on the console.


How to log an object in Node.js

Finally, let's run the file with the node command.

node index.js

We get the expected output.

How to log an object in Node.js [Practical Examples]


Example~2: How to log an object in Node.js using JSON methods

Method-1: console-logging JSON

The simplest way to decode an object is to console-log an unpretty JSON version.

console.log('managers: %j', managers)

You get a less organized object structure.

managers: {"do":{"teams":[{"re":{"teams":[{"mi":{"teams":[],"roles":["HR"]}},{"fa":{"teams":[],"roles":["Sales"]}}]}},{"so":{"teams":[],"roles":["Marketing"]}}]},"la":{"teams":[{"ti":{"teams":[{"doo":{"teams":[{"jane":{"teams":[],"roles":["AI"]},"doe":{"teams":[{"sam":{"teams":[],"roles":["DS"]}}]}}]},"smith":{"teams":[],"roles":["Web3"]}}]}}]}}

Here is how to log an organized object structure using the JSON.stringify() method.


Method-2: JSON.stringify() method

Feed the JSON.stringify() function with the managers object.

console.log(JSON.stringify(managers, null, 2))

null means we do not replace the object, and 2 is an indentation level (of two white spaces).

On rerunning the index.js file,

node index.js

you get the following output:

  "do": {
    "teams": [
        "re": {
          "teams": [
              "mi": {
                "teams": [],
                "roles": [
              "fa": {
                "teams": [],
                "roles": [
        "so": {
          "teams": [],
          "roles": [
  "la": {
    "teams": [
        "ti": {
          "teams": [
              "doo": {
                "teams": [
                    "jane": {
                      "teams": [],
                      "roles": [
                    "doe": {
                      "teams": [
                          "sam": {
                            "teams": [],
                            "roles": [
              "smith": {
                "teams": [],
                "roles": [

Bonus tricks

Apart from console.log(), we can also get the desired tree view using the console.dir() method with a depth of any integer.

console.dir(managers, { depth: 5 })

Better yet, we can set the depth value as Infinity to enable us to see all the object tree branches.

console.dir(managers, { depth: Infinity })

How to log an object in Node.js [Practical Examples]



Knowing how to log an object in Node.js is straightforward if you understand the process and console objects, the util module, and JSON. Then, you can control the viewable tree depth, as shown in this tutorial.


Steve Alila

Steve Alila

He specializes in web design, WordPress development, and data analysis, with proficiency in Python, JavaScript, and data extraction tools. Additionally, he excels in web API development, AI integration, and data presentation using Matplotlib and Plotly. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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1 thought on “How to log an object in Node.js [Practical Examples]”

  1. There is also a NPM package that might help you, a drop-in no-fuss replacement for console.log called console-log-json The nice thing about it is that it will create consistent JSON formatted logs, despite the fact that you can throw at console.log() any number of parameters in any order, including other JSON objects as well as Error objects and plain strings.

    It also handles automatically adding some extra helpful attributes such as time stamps and file where the console.log() was called from, etc..

    These all get printed to STDOUT so any log shipping and aggregator can pick it up and parse the JSON.


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