SOLVED: SQL ambiguous column name [5 Possible Causes]


Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

Navigating the intricate lanes of SQL queries can sometimes lead us to unexpected roadblocks, one such is the "Error: ambiguous column name: Name." This error is like a traveler’s confusion at a crossroad where two paths have the same name, and the choice of path isn’t clear. In the realm of SQL, this confusion arises when we have two or more columns with the identical name ‘Name’ from multiple tables involved in a query, and SQL does not know which one we are referring to.

In this article, we will embark on a journey to understand this error better, unraveling the mysteries behind its occurrence and exploring practical strategies to prevent it from disrupting our SQL queries. We’ll take a close look at various scenarios where this error may emerge, like joining tables, utilizing subqueries, and working with views. Armed with easy-to-follow examples, we will learn how to steer clear of this error, ensuring that our SQL queries run smoothly and accurately. So buckle up as we delve deep into unraveling and resolving the "Error: ambiguous column name: Name" in SQL.


Why do I get "Error: ambiguous column name: Name"?

The "Error: ambiguous column name: Name" in SQL happens when the same column name is found in multiple tables or parts of a query, making it unclear which one to use. This error is common in various situations, such as joining tables, using subqueries, and creating views.

Below are some possible scenarios which can lead to this error:

  1. Joining Tables with Common Column Names: When two or more tables with a common column name are joined, and the column is referenced without a qualifying table name or alias, SQL encounters ambiguity, leading to the error.
  2. Utilizing Subqueries with Overlapping Column Names: Nesting queries (subqueries) within a larger query where inner and outer queries share common column names without adequate aliasing can invoke the ambiguity error.
  3. Employing Wildcards in Multi-table Queries: Utilizing wildcards (*) in queries involving multiple tables can, at times, lead to ambiguity when specific columns, common across tables, are referenced later in conditions or sorting.
  4. Inconsistent Usage of Aliases: Inconsistency or omission in using aliases to uniquely identify columns from different tables or subqueries can pave the way for the ambiguous column name error.
  5. Complex Queries with Multiple Stages or Operations: Engaging in multi-staged queries involving unions, intersections, or other complex operations with common column names across stages can trigger the ambiguity error.


Set up Lab Environment

Let me create two sample tables which we will use to reproduce "Error: ambiguous column name: Name" and then fix the same:

CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Name VARCHAR(255),
    DepartmentID INT

CREATE TABLE Departments (
    DepartmentID INT PRIMARY KEY,
    Name VARCHAR(255)

Inserting Sample Data

INSERT INTO Employees (ID, Name, DepartmentID) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 101);
INSERT INTO Employees (ID, Name, DepartmentID) VALUES (2, 'Jane Smith', 102);

INSERT INTO Departments (DepartmentID, Name) VALUES (101, 'HR');
INSERT INTO Departments (DepartmentID, Name) VALUES (102, 'IT');


1. Joining Tables without Specifying Column

Joining tables without specifying the column typically refers to not making it clear which column from which table should be used when the columns have identical names in multiple tables being joined. SQL needs explicit instruction on which column to reference when the same column name exists in multiple tables involved in the join. Lack of this specification causes SQL to throw an "ambiguous column name" error because it doesn’t know which table’s column to use for executing the query.

FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID;

This query is likely to throw an "ambiguous column name" error because the column Name exists in both the Employees and Departments tables. Since the query doesn’t specify which table's Name column to select (either Employees.Name or Departments.Name), SQL cannot determine which one to pick. The lack of a specific table reference for the Name column creates uncertainty and leads to the error. To resolve this, you should specify the table from which the Name column should be selected, either by using the table name or an alias.


Prefixing the column names with table names or aliases resolves the ambiguity.

SELECT Employees.Name AS EmployeeName, Departments.Name AS DepartmentName
FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID;


2. Utilizing Subqueries with Overlapping Column Names

When you’re using subqueries in conjunction with JOIN operations, and there are columns with the same name in the main query and the subquery, it can lead to an "ambiguous column name" error. The SQL engine needs clear instructions on which column to use in such cases.

FROM (SELECT * FROM Employees) AS Subquery
JOIN Departments ON Subquery.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID;

In this query, an ambiguous column name error might occur because the Name column is not uniquely identified. Both the subquery (derived from the Employees table) and the Departments table have a column named Name. Since there’s no clear instruction about whether to use Subquery.Name or Departments.Name, the SQL engine gets confused, leading to the error.


Using aliases and explicitly specifying columns avoids ambiguity.

SELECT Subquery.Name AS EmployeeName, Departments.Name AS DepartmentName
FROM (SELECT * FROM Employees) AS Subquery
JOIN Departments ON Subquery.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID;


3. Using Wildcards in Multi-table Queries

When you use wildcards like * in queries involving multiple tables with JOIN operations, it selects all columns from the involved tables. If the tables have columns with the same names, it might create ambiguity when referencing such columns in conditions (e.g., WHERE clause), leading to an "ambiguous column name" error.

FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID
WHERE Name = 'HR';

In this query, the "ambiguous column name" error is likely to be encountered due to the condition in the WHERE clause (WHERE Name = 'HR'). Both the Employees and Departments tables might contain the column Name, and since the query uses a wildcard * to select all columns, it doesn’t specifically define from which table the Name column should be referenced. This lack of specificity causes the SQL engine to be unsure which table’s Name column should be used to evaluate the WHERE clause condition.


Specifying the table name with the column resolves the ambiguity, allowing the query to execute successfully.

FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID
WHERE Departments.Name = 'HR';


4. Inconsistent Usage of Aliases

When aliases are used inconsistently in a query, it can create confusion about which table a particular column belongs to. The SQL engine may struggle to resolve which column to use, leading to an "ambiguous column name" error.

Here, we've used aliases for tables, but the column Name is ambiguous because it’s present in both tables.

FROM Employees E, Departments D
WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID;


By prefixing the column names with the respective table aliases, we remove ambiguity, resolving the error

SELECT E.Name, D.Name 
FROM Employees E, Departments D
WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID;


5. Complex Queries with Multiple Stages or Operations

In a query involving multiple tables through JOIN operations, referencing a column that exists in both tables without specifying the table or alias can cause the "ambiguous column name" error.

FROM Employees 
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID 
WHERE Name = 'HR';

In this case, the "Name" column is present in both tables, and SQL cannot determine which one to use in the WHERE clause, leading to the ambiguous column name error.


SELECT Employees.Name 
FROM Employees 
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID 
WHERE Departments.Name = 'HR';

By specifying the table names explicitly with each column, the SQL engine can clearly identify which column to use, resolving the ambiguity and preventing the error.



In this tutorial, we navigated the complexities that give rise to the "Error: Ambiguous Column Name" in SQL, unpacking scenarios where SQL struggles with column name duplicities across tables and subqueries. Various situations were illuminated, such as joining tables with shared column names, nested queries, the use of wildcards, inconsistent aliasing, and engaging in multifaceted queries involving unions or intersections. Strategies and examples were articulated for each case, offering solutions to circumvent these errors, aiding in crafting precise and unambiguous SQL queries.

For a deeper dive and a more comprehensive understanding, you are encouraged to explore the official SQL documentation, which provides a reservoir of knowledge, enhancing your learning journey.

Official SQL Documentation


Falguni Thakker

Falguni Thakker

She is a dedicated professional with expertise in SQL, Python, C++, and Linux. Currently serving as a professor at a prestigious university. With a passion for teaching and a strong technical background, she inspires the next generation of computer scientists. You can connect with her on her LinkedIn profile.

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