Use SQL COUNT DISTINCT Like a PRO: Don't be a Rookie


Introduction to SQL COUNT DISTINCT

Before diving into the SQL count distinct function, let's start with the basics. SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the standard language for dealing with relational databases. It can perform tasks such as updating data on a database or retrieving data from a database.

Now, among its various capabilities, SQL has a set of tools known as aggregate functions that are used to perform calculations on a set of values to return a single value. They are incredibly handy when you need to summarize or analyze large volumes of data. Common aggregate functions include SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), and of course, COUNT().

The SQL count distinct function is a specific type of COUNT function. But instead of counting all entries, SQL count distinct zeroes in on unique instances of values in a specified column. For instance, if you're managing a database with customer information, you might want to know how many unique customers you have, not just the total number of transactions. Here's where SQL count distinct shines. It sifts through the column you point it to and counts each unique entry only once, no matter how many times it appears.

So, if you were to use SQL count distinct on a list of orders, and some customers made multiple orders, each customer would only be counted once. This gives you a clear picture of your actual customer base, rather than just the activity level.

Using SQL count distinct can also help in reporting scenarios. Suppose you need a report on the distinct products sold in a month; this function will give you a count of different items without the hassle of sifting through duplicates. It's an efficient way to extract meaningful statistics from raw data.

In summary, SQL count distinct is all about finding the unique pieces in your data puzzle. It counts how many different values exist in a column, helping you understand the diversity of your data, which is essential for accurate data analysis and business intelligence.


Create Sample SQL Table for Demonstration

Let's create a sample SQL table named Customers and insert some data. This table can be used to explain the COUNT(DISTINCT) function and other related concepts.

-- Create the 'Customers' table
CREATE TABLE Customers (
    FirstName VARCHAR(50),
    LastName VARCHAR(50),
    Age INT,
    City VARCHAR(50)

-- Insert data into 'Customers' table
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Age, City) VALUES
(1, 'Arjun', 'Patel', 28, 'Mumbai'),
(2, 'Priya', 'Kumar', 35, 'Bangalore'),
(3, 'Raj', 'Sharma', 22, 'Delhi'),
(4, 'Lakshmi', 'Roy', 42, 'Kolkata'),
(5, 'Vivek', 'Bose', 28, 'Mumbai'),
(6, 'Aditi', 'Singh', 30, 'Delhi'),
(7, 'Priya', 'Gupta', 31, 'Bangalore'),
(8, 'Rohan', 'Dutta', 22, 'Mumbai'),
(9, 'Sanjay', 'Kumar', 35, 'Bangalore'),
(10, 'Anita', 'Thakur', 26, 'Delhi'),
(11, 'Raj', 'Verma', 28, 'Delhi'),
(12, 'Lakshmi', 'Ghosh', 42, 'Kolkata');


Syntax and Parameters

When working with SQL, especially when you're looking to understand the unique elements in your data, two functions that are incredibly useful are "SQL count distinct" and "SQL count unique". While both these terms are often used interchangeably, it's important to note that "SQL count unique" isn't a separate function but rather a way to describe the action of counting distinct values.

The basic syntax of the SQL count distinct function is as follows:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name;

Here's what each part of the syntax means:

  • SELECT: This is the standard SQL command used to select data from a database.
  • COUNT(): An aggregate function that returns the count of an expression.
  • DISTINCT: A keyword used within the COUNT() function to ensure that only unique instances of a particular column or expression are counted.
  • column_name: The name of the column for which you want to count unique entries.
  • FROM: A clause specifying the table from which to retrieve the data.
  • table_name: The name of the table where the specified column exists.

Now, let's apply this to our Customers table to see it in action. Suppose you want to count how many unique cities our customers come from. You would use the following SQL query:


This statement will return the number of different cities that are listed in the City column of the Customers table. If some customers are from the same city, each city is only counted once due to the use of DISTINCT.

Another example could involve counting unique age groups represented within your customers. The SQL query would look like this:


This would give you the number of different ages among all customers. If there are multiple customers with the same age, that age is only counted once.


Differences between COUNT(*) vs. COUNT(column) vs. COUNT(DISTINCT)

Here is a tabular comparison of the differences between COUNT(*), COUNT(column), and COUNT(DISTINCT) in SQL:

What it Counts All rows in the table, including duplicates and nulls All non-NULL values in a specific column Unique, non-NULL values in a specific column
Inclusion of NULLs Yes No No
Use Case To get the total number of records in a table To count entries in a column that are not NULL To count the number of distinct entries in a column
Performance Usually fast, as it does not check for NULL values Can be slower than COUNT(*), checks for NULL values Typically the slowest, must evaluate uniqueness of values
When to Use When you need a total row count regardless of values When you want to ignore NULLs in your count When you need to know the count of unique values
Example Using Customers Table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers; SELECT COUNT(City) FROM Customers; SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT City) FROM Customers;


  • COUNT(*) is used when you need a count of all rows in a table, whether they contain NULL values or not. This is often used for a quick tally of rows in a table.
  • COUNT(column) counts the number of non-NULL values in a single column, which can be useful for columns that allow NULLs and you need to know how many entries actually have data.
  • COUNT(DISTINCT) is used when you're interested in counting the number of unique non-NULL values in a single column, to gauge the diversity of data in that column.


Basic Examples of using SQL COUNT(DISTINCT)

Simple COUNT(DISTINCT) Example: To illustrate the use of SQL count distinct, let's take a simple example using our Customers table. Suppose you want to know how many unique cities your customers are from. The SQL query would be:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT City) AS UniqueCityCount FROM Customers;

This will return the number of unique cities present in the City column of the Customers table, providing an insight into the geographical diversity of your customers.

Counting Distinct Values in a Single Column: Using the concept of SQL count unique, you can also find out how many distinct first names are there among your customers:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FirstName) AS UniqueFirstNameCount FROM Customers;

Here, each unique first name is counted once, giving you a sense of how varied the names are.

Counting Distinct Values Across Multiple Columns: Sometimes, you might want to count distinct combinations of different columns. For example, to count the unique combinations of first and last names, you could use:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FirstName + ' ' + LastName) AS UniqueFullNameCount 
FROM Customers;

This query would give you the count of distinct full names, which helps identify the number of customers who have both a unique first and last name in the database.

Data Analysis and Reporting: In data analysis, SQL count distinct is often used to prepare summary reports. For example, a company might want to report the number of unique customers served in each city. Using the Customers table:

SELECT City, COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount
FROM Customers

This query will provide a count of unique customers per city, valuable for understanding market penetration in different geographic locations.

Deduplication in Data Sets: Deduplication is a critical process in ensuring data quality. SQL count unique can help identify the extent of duplication. For instance, you could compare the total count against the distinct count:

  COUNT(*) AS TotalEntries, 
  COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueEntries 
FROM Customers;

If TotalEntries is greater than UniqueEntries, you have duplicates based on CustomerID.


Working with Different Data Types

SQL count distinct isn't limited to numerical or textual data; it can be used across various data types. For example, if the Customers table had a DateOfBirth column of type DATE, you could find out how many unique birth dates are present:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT DateOfBirth) AS UniqueBirthDates FROM Customers;

This could help in understanding the spread of customer ages, which is useful for tailoring marketing strategies for different age groups.

COUNT(DISTINCT) with Numerical Data

When dealing with numerical data, SQL count distinct can be used to determine the number of unique numerical entries in a dataset. For example, if you have a Sales table that tracks the quantity of items purchased in each transaction, you might want to know how many unique quantities are being purchased:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Quantity) AS UniqueQuantities FROM Sales;

In this case, SQL count unique would give you the number of different quantities that customers have purchased, which could be insightful for understanding purchasing patterns.

COUNT(DISTINCT) with String Data

SQL count distinct also works with string data, such as names, addresses, or any other textual information. For instance, if the Customers table has a LastName column, and you want to know how many unique last names are present:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LastName) AS UniqueLastNames FROM Customers;

Here, SQL count unique will return the count of distinct last names, which is useful for assessing the diversity of your customers' names.

COUNT(DISTINCT) with Date and Time Data

With date and time data, SQL count distinct helps to identify the number of unique dates or times in a dataset. For instance, if the Customers table includes a RegistrationDate column, and you're interested in finding out how many unique registration dates exist:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT RegistrationDate) AS UniqueRegistrationDates FROM Customers;

This query would be helpful to see on how many different dates customers have registered, providing insights into the spread of your customer acquisition over time.


Advanced Use Cases


Nested SQL count distinct queries are useful when you want to perform a distinct count after some transformation or filtering has been applied. However, it is important to note that SQL does not allow a COUNT(DISTINCT) within a COUNT(DISTINCT) directly. Instead, you may need to use subqueries or Common Table Expressions (CTEs).

For example, if you want to count the number of unique cities after filtering out customers from a specific country:

    SELECT City FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'India'
) AS FilteredCustomers;

In this query, SQL count distinct operates on the result of the subquery, which includes only Indian customers.


Using COUNT(DISTINCT) with JOIN Operations

When combining data from multiple tables using JOIN operations, SQL count distinct can count unique values across the resulting dataset. For instance, if you join a Customers table with a Purchases table:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Customers.CustomerID) AS UniqueBuyingCustomers
FROM Customers
JOIN Purchases ON Customers.CustomerID = Purchases.CustomerID;

This SQL count unique query will return the number of customers who have made at least one purchase.


Distinct Counts with GROUP BY Clause

The SQL count distinct can be used with the GROUP BY clause to get distinct counts within groups. For example, to count the unique number of customers per country:

SELECT Country, COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomersPerCountry
FROM Customers
GROUP BY Country;

This query shows SQL count distinct in action, providing a breakdown of unique customers by country.


Alternatives to COUNT(DISTINCT)

While SQL count distinct is a straightforward approach to counting unique values, there are situations where alternatives can be more efficient, especially with large datasets or complex queries:

1. Using Temporary Tables or Table Variables:

Sometimes, it can be more efficient to store the distinct values in a temporary table or table variable, and then perform a count on that:

SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID INTO #UniqueCustomers FROM Customers;
SELECT COUNT(CustomerID) FROM #UniqueCustomers;

This method can sometimes be faster because the distinct operation and the count operation are separated.

2. Using Derived Tables:

A derived table is a subquery that is used as a table in the FROM clause:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID FROM Customers) AS UniqueCustomers;

This allows SQL to handle the distinct operation separately from the count, which can optimize the execution plan.

3. Using GROUP BY and COUNT() for Distinct Counts

You can also achieve distinct counts by combining GROUP BY with COUNT() when you want to know the count of unique items per group:

SELECT City, COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount
FROM Customers

In this example, SQL count unique provides the count of unique customer IDs for each city.

4. Window Functions and DISTINCT

Window functions in SQL allow you to perform calculations across rows that are related to the current row. To get distinct counts with window functions, you typically have to use subqueries or common table expressions (CTEs):

WITH DistinctCustomers AS (
   SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID, City FROM Customers
SELECT City, COUNT(CustomerID) OVER (PARTITION BY City) AS UniqueCustomerCount
FROM DistinctCustomers;


Compatibility Across Different SQL Databases

The COUNT(DISTINCT) function is widely supported across various SQL databases. It is a standard part of SQL syntax and provides the capability to perform a distinct count of records in your dataset. However, the context in which it can be used may vary slightly from one SQL database to another.


In MySQL, COUNT(DISTINCT) works straightforwardly to return the number of unique non-null values in a column:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount FROM Customers;

This SQL count distinct example will return the number of unique customer IDs from the Customers table.


PostgreSQL also supports COUNT(DISTINCT) in the same way:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount FROM Customers;

Again, SQL count unique will give us the number of unique customer IDs in PostgreSQL.


SQL Server uses COUNT(DISTINCT) just like MySQL and PostgreSQL:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount FROM Customers;

This will return the number of unique CustomerID values in the SQL Server database.

4. COUNT(DISTINCT) in Oracle

Oracle Database also supports COUNT(DISTINCT):

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount FROM Customers;

As with the other databases, this SQL count distinct command counts unique CustomerIDs.


Integration with Other SQL Clauses and Functions

COUNT(DISTINCT) is a versatile function that can be integrated with other SQL clauses and functions to refine your queries and gain more meaningful insights from your data.

1. Combining COUNT(DISTINCT) with WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter records based on specific conditions. When you combine it with SQL count distinct, you can count the unique values that meet certain criteria.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount
FROM Customers
WHERE Country = 'India';

This SQL count distinct example counts the number of unique customer IDs for customers who are from India.

2. COUNT(DISTINCT) in Subqueries

You can use COUNT(DISTINCT) within a subquery to count unique values in a dataset that has already been filtered or aggregated at a sub-level.

     FROM Customers AS SubCustomer
     WHERE SubCustomer.City = MainCustomer.City) AS UniqueCustomerCount
    Customers AS MainCustomer;

This SQL count unique subquery calculates the number of unique customers for each city.

3. Using COUNT(DISTINCT) with HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause is often used with the GROUP BY clause to filter group rows that do not satisfy a specified condition. When used with SQL count distinct, it can filter the results of a distinct count.

    COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS UniqueCustomerCount
    COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) > 5;

In this example, SQL count distinct is used to find cities with more than 5 unique customers.

In each of these scenarios, SQL count distinct or SQL count unique effectively provides the ability to count unique entries, either across the entire dataset or within a subset of it defined by clauses like WHERE and HAVING. The integration of COUNT(DISTINCT) with other SQL clauses allows for more targeted and powerful data analysis capabilities.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does COUNT(DISTINCT) do in SQL?

COUNT(DISTINCT) is an aggregate function in SQL that returns the number of unique non-null values in a column or expression.

Can you count multiple columns with COUNT(DISTINCT)?

Yes, you can count distinct values across multiple columns by concatenating them. In SQL, you might do something like COUNT(DISTINCT column1, column2), but support for this syntax varies by SQL database.

How does COUNT(DISTINCT) differ from COUNT(*)?

COUNT(*) counts all rows in the specified table, whether they contain NULL values or not, while COUNT(DISTINCT) counts only unique, non-null values in a column.

Is COUNT(DISTINCT) the same as COUNT(1)?

No, COUNT(1) is essentially the same as COUNT(*) because it counts all rows, ignoring NULLs. COUNT(DISTINCT) specifically counts unique values.

Can COUNT(DISTINCT) work with NULL values?

NULL values are ignored by COUNT(DISTINCT). It will only count non-null unique entries.

How can you use COUNT(DISTINCT) with a WHERE clause?

You can filter the rows counted by COUNT(DISTINCT) using a WHERE clause, for instance: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column) FROM table WHERE condition.

Can COUNT(DISTINCT) be used with a JOIN?

Yes, COUNT(DISTINCT) can be used in queries that include a JOIN. It will count unique values from the joined tables based on the specified column.

Are there performance concerns with COUNT(DISTINCT)?

On large datasets, COUNT(DISTINCT) can be resource-intensive, as it requires sorting or hashing operations to identify unique values.

What are the alternatives to COUNT(DISTINCT) if performance is an issue?

You can use approximate counting functions like APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT in SQL Server or other similar functions in databases like PostgreSQL and BigQuery.

How can COUNT(DISTINCT) be used with GROUP BY?

It can be used to count unique values within each group defined by GROUP BY. For example: SELECT column1, COUNT(DISTINCT column2) FROM table GROUP BY column1.

Can COUNT(DISTINCT) be used in a HAVING clause?

Yes, you can use COUNT(DISTINCT) in a HAVING clause to filter groups based on the count of distinct values. For instance: ... HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT column) > value.



In summary, the SQL count distinct function is a powerful tool used to determine the number of unique non-null values in a column or a set of columns. It's an essential function for data analysis, particularly when you need to understand the diversity of data in your dataset. By using SQL count distinct, you can avoid overcounting when you're interested only in different values.

The function is integral in scenarios where deduplication is necessary, such as counting the number of distinct customers, products, or transactions in a database. SQL count unique values can also be combined with other SQL clauses like WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING to provide more precise analytics. Moreover, despite being slightly resource-intensive, it's a standard part of the SQL language supported across multiple database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.

While COUNT(DISTINCT) directly counts unique values, COUNT(*) includes duplicates and NULL values, and COUNT(column) counts all non-null values, duplicates included. When performance is an issue, especially with large datasets, approximate count distinct functions are available in various SQL databases.

For official documentation and further reading, refer to the resources provided by the maintainers of various SQL implementations:


Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad is the founder of GoLinuxCloud, bringing over a decade of expertise in Linux, Python, Go, Laravel, DevOps, Kubernetes, Git, Shell scripting, OpenShift, Networking, and Security. His extensive experience spans development, DevOps, networking, and security, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for diverse projects.

Certifications and Credentials:

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
  • Go Developer Certification
  • Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Python Institute PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile and join his Facebook and LinkedIn page.

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