How to Configure Tripleo Undercloud to deploy Overcloud in OpenStack

Openstack, DevOPs

I will assume that your undercloud installation is complete, so here we will continue with the steps to configure the director to deploy overcloud in Openstack using Red Hat Openstack Platform Director 10 and virt-manager.


How to Configure Tripleo Undercloud to deploy Overcloud in OpenStack

In our last article we covered below areas

  • First of all bring up a physical host
  • Install a new virtual machine for undercloud-director
  • Set hostname for the director
  • Configure repo or subscribe to RHN
  • Install python-tripleoclient
  • Configure undercloud.conf
  • Install Undercloud


Now in this article we will continue with the pending steps to configure Undercloud director node to deploy overcloud in Openstack

  • Obtain and upload images for overcloud introspection and deployment
  • Create virtual machines for overcloud nodes (compute and controller)
  • Configure Virtual Bare Metal Controller
  • Importing and registering the overcloud nodes
  • Introspecting the overcloud nodes
  • Tagging overcloud nodes to profiles
  • Lastly start deploying Overcloud Nodes


Deploy Overcloud in Openstack

The director requires several disk images for provisioning overcloud nodes. This includes:

  • An introspection kernel and ramdisk ⇒ Used for bare metal system introspection over PXE boot.
  • A deployment kernel and ramdisk ⇒ Used for system provisioning and deployment.
  • An overcloud kernel, ramdisk, and full image ⇒ A base overcloud system that is written to the node’s hard disk.


Obtaining Images for Overcloud

[stack@director ~]$ sudo yum install rhosp-director-images rhosp-director-images-ipa -y

[stack@director ~]$ cp /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/overcloud-full-latest-10.0.tar /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-latest-10.0.tar ~/images/

[stack@director ~]$ cd images/

Extract the archives to the images directory on the stack user’s home (/home/stack/images):

[stack@director images]$ tar -xf overcloud-full-latest-10.0.tar
[stack@director images]$ tar -xf ironic-python-agent-latest-10.0.tar
[stack@director images]$ ls -l
total 3848560
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack  425703356 Aug 22 02:15 ironic-python-agent.initramfs
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack    6398256 Aug 22 02:15 ironic-python-agent.kernel
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack  432107520 Oct  8 10:14 ironic-python-agent-latest-10.0.tar
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack   61388282 Aug 22 02:29 overcloud-full.initrd
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack 1537239040 Oct  8 10:13 overcloud-full-latest-10.0.tar
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack 1471676416 Oct  8 10:18 overcloud-full.qcow2
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack    6398256 Aug 22 02:29 overcloud-full.vmlinuz


Change root password for overcloud nodes

You need virt-customize to change the root password.

[stack@director images]$ sudo yum install -y libguestfs-tools

Execute below command. Replace highlighted text "password" with the password you wish to assign for "root"

[stack@director images]$ virt-customize -a overcloud-full.qcow2 --root-password password:password
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[  40.9] Setting a random seed
[  40.9] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[  40.9] Setting passwords
[  63.0] Finishing off

Import these images into the director:

[stack@director images]$ openstack overcloud image upload --image-path ~/images/
Image "overcloud-full-vmlinuz" was uploaded.
|                  ID                  |          Name          | Disk Format |   Size  | Status |
| db69fe5c-2b06-4d56-914b-9fb6b32130fe | overcloud-full-vmlinuz |     aki     | 6398256 | active |
Image "overcloud-full-initrd" was uploaded.
|                  ID                  |          Name         | Disk Format |   Size   | Status |
| 56e387a9-e570-4bff-be91-16fbc9bb7bcc | overcloud-full-initrd |     ari     | 61388282 | active |
Image "overcloud-full" was uploaded.
|                  ID                  |      Name      | Disk Format |    Size    | Status |
| 234179da-b9ff-424d-ac94-83042b5f073e | overcloud-full |    qcow2    | 1471676416 | active |
Image "bm-deploy-kernel" was uploaded.
|                  ID                  |       Name       | Disk Format |   Size  | Status |
| 3b73c55b-6184-41df-a6e5-9a56cfb73238 | bm-deploy-kernel |     aki     | 6398256 | active |
Image "bm-deploy-ramdisk" was uploaded.
|                  ID                  |        Name       | Disk Format |    Size   | Status |
| 9624b338-cb5f-45e0-b0f4-3fe78f0f3f45 | bm-deploy-ramdisk |     ari     | 425703356 | active |

View the list of the images in the CLI:

[stack@director images]$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                   | Status |
| 9624b338-cb5f-45e0-b0f4-3fe78f0f3f45 | bm-deploy-ramdisk      | active |
| 3b73c55b-6184-41df-a6e5-9a56cfb73238 | bm-deploy-kernel       | active |
| 234179da-b9ff-424d-ac94-83042b5f073e | overcloud-full         | active |
| 56e387a9-e570-4bff-be91-16fbc9bb7bcc | overcloud-full-initrd  | active |
| db69fe5c-2b06-4d56-914b-9fb6b32130fe | overcloud-full-vmlinuz | active |

This list will not show the introspection PXE images. The director copies these files to /httpboot.

[stack@director images]$ ls -l /httpboot/
total 421988
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root             root               6398256 Oct  8 10:19 agent.kernel
-rw-r--r--. 1 root             root             425703356 Oct  8 10:19 agent.ramdisk
-rw-r--r--. 1 ironic           ironic                 759 Oct  8 10:41 boot.ipxe
-rw-r--r--. 1 ironic-inspector ironic-inspector       473 Oct  8 09:43 inspector.ipxe
drwxr-xr-x. 2 ironic           ironic                   6 Oct  8 10:51 pxelinux.cfg


Setting a nameserver on the undercloud's neutron subnet

Overcloud nodes require a nameserver so that they can resolve hostnames through DNS. For a standard overcloud without network isolation, the nameserver is defined using the undercloud’s neutron subnet.

[stack@director images]$ neutron subnet-list
| id                                   | name | cidr             | allocation_pools                                       |
| 7b7f251d-edfc-46ea-8d56-f9f2397e01d1 |      | | {"start": "", "end": ""} |

Update the nameserver to your subnet

[stack@director images]$ neutron subnet-update 7b7f251d-edfc-46ea-8d56-f9f2397e01d1 --dns-nameserver
Updated subnet: 7b7f251d-edfc-46ea-8d56-f9f2397e01d1

Validate the changes

[stack@director images]$ neutron subnet-show 7b7f251d-edfc-46ea-8d56-f9f2397e01d1
| Field             | Value                                                             |
| allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""}            |
| cidr              |                                                  |
| created_at        | 2018-10-08T04:20:48Z                                              |
| description       |                                                                   |
| dns_nameservers   |                                                     |
| enable_dhcp       | True                                                              |
| gateway_ip        |                                                     |
| host_routes       | {"destination": "", "nexthop": ""} |
| id                | 7b7f251d-edfc-46ea-8d56-f9f2397e01d1                              |
| ip_version        | 4                                                                 |
| ipv6_address_mode |                                                                   |
| ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                                   |
| name              |                                                                   |
| network_id        | 7047a1c6-86ac-4237-8fe5-b0bb26538752                              |
| project_id        | 681d63dc1f1d4c5892941c68e6d07c54                                  |
| revision_number   | 3                                                                 |
| service_types     |                                                                   |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                                   |
| tenant_id         | 681d63dc1f1d4c5892941c68e6d07c54                                  |
| updated_at        | 2018-10-08T04:50:09Z                                              |


Create virtual machines for overcloud

My controller node configuration:

VM Name controller0
vCPUs 2
Memory 8192 MB
Disk 60 GB
NIC 1 (Provisioning Network) MAC: 52:54:00:36:65:a6
NIC 2 (External Network) MAC: 52:54:00:c4:34:ca


My compute node configuration:

VM Name compute1
vCPUs 2
Memory 8192 MB
Disk 60 GB
NIC 1 (Provisioning Network) MAC: 52:54:00:13:b8:aa
NIC 2 (External Network) MAC: 52:54:00:d1:93:28


For the overcloud we need one controller and one compute. Create two qcow disks each for controller and compute node on your physical host machine.

You can also create virtual machines using virt-manager.
[root@openstack images]# qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata controller0.qcow2 60G
Formatting 'controller0.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=64424509440 encryption=off cluster_size=65536 preallocation='metadata' lazy_refcounts=off

[root@openstack images]# qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata compute1.qcow2 60G
Formatting 'compute1.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=64424509440 encryption=off cluster_size=65536 preallocation='metadata' lazy_refcounts=off
[root@openstack images]# ls -lh
total 47G
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 61G Oct  8 10:35 compute1.qcow2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 61G Oct  8 10:34 controller0.qcow2
-rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 81G Oct  8 10:35 director-new.qcow2

Change the ownership of the qcow2 disk to "qemu:qemu"

[root@openstack images]# chown qemu:qemu *
[root@openstack images]# ls -lh
total 47G
-rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 61G Oct  8 10:35 compute1.qcow2
-rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 61G Oct  8 10:34 controller0.qcow2
-rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 81G Oct  8 10:35 director-new.qcow2

Next install "virt-install" to be able to create a virtual machine using CLI.

[root@openstack images]# yum -y install virt-install

Here I am creating xml files for two virtual machines namely controller0 and compute1

[root@openstack images]# virt-install --ram 8192 --vcpus 2 --os-variant rhel7 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/controller0.qcow2,device=disk,bus=virtio,format=qcow2 --noautoconsole --vnc --network network:provisioning --network network:external --name controller0 --cpu IvyBridge,+vmx --dry-run --print-xml > /tmp/controller0.xml

[root@openstack images]# virt-install --ram 8192 --vcpus 2 --os-variant rhel7 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1.qcow2,device=disk,bus=virtio,format=qcow2 --noautoconsole --vnc --network network:provisioning --network network:external --name compute1 --cpu IvyBridge,+vmx --dry-run --print-xml > /tmp/compute1.xml

Validate the files we created above

[root@openstack images]# ls -l /tmp/*.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1850 Oct  8 10:45 /tmp/compute1.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1856 Oct  8 10:45 /tmp/controller0.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  207 Oct  7 15:52 /tmp/external.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  117 Oct  6 19:45 /tmp/provisioning.xml

Now it is time to add those virtual machine

[root@openstack images]# virsh define --file /tmp/controller0.xml
Domain controller0 defined from /tmp/controller0.xml

[root@openstack images]# virsh define --file /tmp/compute1.xml
Domain compute1 defined from /tmp/compute1.xml

Validate the currently active virtual machines on your host machine. We are running our undercloud director on director-new

[root@openstack images]# virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 6     director-new                   running
 -     compute1                       shut off
 -     controller0                    shut off


Configure Virtual Bare Metal Controller (VBMC)

The director can use virtual machines as nodes on a KVM host. It controls their power management through emulated IPMI devices. SInce we have a lab setup using KVM as my setup we will use VBMC to help register the nodes.

Since we are using virtual machines for our setup which does not has any iLO or similar utility for power management we will use VBMC. You can get the package from the openstack git repository.

[root@openstack ~]# wget

Next install the VBMC package

[root@openstack ~]# yum install -y python-virtualbmc

Start adding your virtual machines to the vbmc domain list

Use a different port for each virtual machine. Port numbers lower than 1025 require root privileges in the system.
[root@openstack images]# vbmc add controller0 --port 6320 --username admin --password redhat
[root@openstack images]# vbmc add compute1 --port 6321 --username admin --password redhat

To list the available domains

[root@openstack images]# vbmc list
| Domain name | Status | Address | Port |
|   compute1  |  down  |    ::   | 6321 |
| controller0 |  down  |    ::   | 6320 |

Next start all the virtual BMCs:

[root@openstack images]# vbmc start compute1
[root@openstack images]# vbmc start controller0

Check the status again

[root@openstack images]# vbmc list
| Domain name |  Status | Address | Port |
|   compute1  | running |    ::   | 6321 |
| controller0 | running |    ::   | 6320 |

Now all our domains are in running state.

With VBMC we will use pxe_ipmitool as the driver for executing all the IPMI commands so make sure this is loaded and available on your undercloud

The command-line utility to test the functionality of the power IPMI emulation uses this syntax

[root@director ~]# ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 6320 -U admin -R 3 -N 5 -P redhat power status
Chassis Power is off

[root@director ~]# ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 6321 -U admin -R 3 -N 5 -P redhat power status
Chassis Power is off


Registering nodes for the overcloud

The director requires a node definition template, which you create manually. This file (instack-twonodes.json) uses the JSON format file, and contains the hardware and power management details for your nodes.

[stack@director ~]$ cat instack-twonodes.json
            "pm_addr": "",
            "pm_password": "redhat",
            "pm_port": "6320"
            "pm_addr": "",
            "pm_password": "redhat",
            "pm_port": "6321"

To deploy overcloud in Openstack the next step is to register the nodes part of Overcloud which for us are a single controller and compute node. The Workflow service manages this task set, which includes the ability to schedule and monitor multiple tasks and actions.

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal import --json instack-twonodes.json
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 6ad7c642-275e-4293-988a-b84c28fd99c1
Successfully registered node UUID 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248
Successfully registered node UUID f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 5989359f-3cad-43cb-9ea3-e86ebee87964
Successfully set all nodes to available.

Check the available ironic node list after the import

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID                                 | Name        | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248 | controller0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5 | compute1    | None          | power off   | available          | False       |

This assigns each node the bm_deploy_kernel and bm_deploy_ramdisk images

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal configure boot

Set the provisioning state to manageable using this command

[stack@director ~]$ for node in $(openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value) ; do openstack baremetal node manage $node ; done

The nodes are now registered and configured in the director. View a list of these nodes in the CLI:

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID                                 | Name        | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248 | controller0 | None          | power off   | manageable         | False       |
| f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5 | compute1    | None          | power off   | manageable         | False       |

In the following output, verify that deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk are assigned to the new nodes.

[stack@director ~]$ for i in controller0 compute1 ; do ironic node-show $i| grep -1 deploy; done
| driver                 | pxe_ipmitool                                                          |
| driver_info            | {u'ipmi_port': u'6320', u'ipmi_username': u'admin', u'deploy_kernel': |
|                        | u'3b73c55b-6184-41df-a6e5-9a56cfb73238', u'ipmi_address':             |
|                        | u'', u'deploy_ramdisk': u'9624b338-cb5f-                 |
|                        | 45e0-b0f4-3fe78f0f3f45', u'ipmi_password': u'******'}                 |
| driver                 | pxe_ipmitool                                                          |
| driver_info            | {u'ipmi_port': u'6321', u'ipmi_username': u'admin', u'deploy_kernel': |
|                        | u'3b73c55b-6184-41df-a6e5-9a56cfb73238', u'ipmi_address':             |
|                        | u'', u'deploy_ramdisk': u'9624b338-cb5f-                 |
|                        | 45e0-b0f4-3fe78f0f3f45', u'ipmi_password': u'******'}                 |


Inspecting the hardware of nodes

The director can run an introspection process on each node. This process causes each node to boot an introspection agent over PXE. This agent collects hardware data from the node and sends it back to the director. The director then stores this introspection data in the OpenStack Object Storage (swift) service running on the director. The director uses hardware information for various purposes such as profile tagging, benchmarking, and manual root disk assignment.

Since we are using VirtualBMC, we cannot use openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide command, as we initiate power on and off for virtual machines using port rather than IP address. So a bulk introspection is not possible on virtual machines.
[stack@director ~]$ for node in $(openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value) ; do openstack overcloud node introspect $node --provide; done
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 123c4290-82ba-4766-8fdc-65878eac03ac
Waiting for introspection to finish...
Successfully introspected all nodes.
Introspection completed.
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 5b6009a1-855a-492b-9196-9c0291913d2f
Successfully set all nodes to available.
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 7f9a5d65-c94a-496d-afe2-e649a85d5912
Waiting for introspection to finish...
Successfully introspected all nodes.
Introspection completed.
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: ffb4a0c5-3090-4d88-b407-2a8e06035485
Successfully set all nodes to available.

Monitor the progress of the introspection using the following command in a separate terminal window:

[stack@director ~]$ sudo journalctl -l -u openstack-ironic-inspector -u openstack-ironicinspector-dnsmasq -u openstack-ironic-conductor -f

Check the introspection status

[stack@director ~]$ for node in $(openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value) ; do echo -e "n"$node;openstack baremetal introspection status $node; done

| Field    | Value |
| error    | None  |
| finished | True  |

| Field    | Value |
| error    | None  |
| finished | True  |


Collect the introspection data for controller

You can check the introspection data which was collected for individual nodes. In this example I will show you the steps to get this information for the controller node

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node show controller0
| Field                  | Value                                                                                                                                     |
| clean_step             | {}                                                                                                                                        |
| console_enabled        | False                                                                                                                                     |
| created_at             | 2018-10-08T04:55:22+00:00                                                                                                                 |
| driver                 | pxe_ipmitool                                                                                                                              |
| driver_info            | {u'ipmi_port': u'6320', u'ipmi_username': u'admin', u'deploy_kernel': u'3b73c55b-6184-41df-a6e5-9a56cfb73238', u'ipmi_address':           |
|                        | u'', u'deploy_ramdisk': u'9624b338-cb5f-45e0-b0f4-3fe78f0f3f45', u'ipmi_password': u'******'}                                |
| driver_internal_info   | {}                                                                                                                                        |
| extra                  | {u'hardware_swift_object': u'extra_hardware-633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248'}                                                        |
| inspection_finished_at | None                                                                                                                                      |
| inspection_started_at  | None                                                                                                                                      |
| instance_info          | {}                                                                                                                                        |
| instance_uuid          | None                                                                                                                                      |
| last_error             | None                                                                                                                                      |
| maintenance            | False                                                                                                                                     |
| maintenance_reason     | None                                                                                                                                      |
| name                   | controller0                                                                                                                               |
| ports                  | [{u'href': u'', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href':                 |
|                        | u'', u'rel': u'bookmark'}]                                     |
| power_state            | power off                                                                                                                                 |
| properties             | {u'memory_mb': u'8192', u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'local_gb': u'59', u'cpus': u'2', u'capabilities':                                       |
|                        | u'cpu_vt:true,cpu_aes:true,cpu_hugepages:true,boot_option:local'}                                                                         |
| provision_state        | available                                                                                                                                 |
| provision_updated_at   | 2018-10-08T05:00:44+00:00                                                                                                                 |
| raid_config            | {}                                                                                                                                        |
| reservation            | None                                                                                                                                      |
| states                 | [{u'href': u'', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href':                |
|                        | u'', u'rel': u'bookmark'}]                                    |
| target_power_state     | None                                                                                                                                      |
| target_provision_state | None                                                                                                                                      |
| target_raid_config     | {}                                                                                                                                        |
| updated_at             | 2018-10-08T05:00:51+00:00                                                                                                                 |
| uuid                   | 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248                                                                                                      |

Store the ironic user password from the undercloud-passwords.conf file

[stack@director ~]$ grep ironic undercloud-passwords.conf

Here use ironic password as OS_PASSWORD and the object as extra_hardware value from the above highlighted section.

[stack@director ~]$ OS_TENANT_NAME=service OS_USERNAME=ironic OS_PASSWORD=f670269d38916530ac00e5f1af6bf8e39619a9f5 openstack object save ironic-inspector extra_hardware-633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248

Check if the object storage is created

[stack@director ~]$ ls -l
total 36
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack  9013 Oct  8 10:34 extra_hardware-633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248
drwxrwxr-x. 2 stack stack   245 Oct  8 10:14 images
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack   836 Oct  8 10:25 instack-twonodes.json
-rw-------. 1 stack stack   725 Oct  8 09:51 stackrc
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack 11150 Oct  8 09:05 undercloud.conf
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack  1650 Oct  8 09:33 undercloud-passwords.conf

Now you can read your data using below command

[stack@director ~]$ jq . < extra_hardware-633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248

  *** output trimmed ***
    "ipa-inspection-callback-url= ipa-inspection-collectors=default,extra-hardware,numa-topology,logs systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes BOOTIF=52:54:00:36:65:a6 ipa-debug=1 ipa-inspection-dhcp-all-interfaces=1 ipa-collect-lldp=1 initrd=agent.ramdisk"


Tagging nodes to profiles

So after registering and inspecting the hardware of each node, you will tag them into specific profiles. These profile tags match your nodes to flavors, and in turn the flavors are assigned to a deployment role. The following example shows the relationship across roles, flavors, profiles, and nodes for Controller nodes:

[stack@director ~]$ openstack flavor list
| ID                                   | Name          |  RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 06ab97b9-6d7e-4d4d-8d6e-c2ba1e781657 | baremetal     | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 17eec9b0-811d-4ff0-a028-29e7ff748654 | block-storage | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 38cbb6df-4852-49d0-bbed-0bddee5173c8 | compute       | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 88345a7e-f617-4514-9aac-0d794a32ee80 | ceph-storage  | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| dce1c321-32bb-4abf-bfd5-08f952529550 | swift-storage | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| febf52e2-5707-43b3-8f3a-069a957828fb | control       | 4096 |   40 |         0 |     1 | True      |
[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID                                 | Name        | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248 | controller0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5 | compute1    | None          | power off   | available          | False       |

The addition of the profile:compute and profile:control options tag the two nodes into each respective profiles. These commands also set the boot_option:local parameter, which defines the boot mode for each node.

[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local' 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248
[stack@director ~]$ openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local' f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5

After completing node tagging, check the assigned profiles or possible profiles:

[stack@director ~]$ openstack overcloud profiles list
| Node UUID                            | Node Name   | Provision State | Current Profile | Possible Profiles |
| 633f53f7-7b3c-454a-8d39-bd9c4371d248 | controller0 | available       | control         |                   |
| f44f0b75-cb0c-46fe-ae44-c9d71ae1f3a5 | compute1    | available       | compute         |                   |

You can also check your flavor if the same flavor is assigned here as we assigned to our ironic node

[stack@director ~]$ openstack flavor show control -c properties
| Field      | Value                                                            |
| properties | capabilities:boot_option='local', capabilities:profile='control' |

[stack@director ~]$ openstack flavor show compute -c properties
| Field      | Value                                                            |
| properties | capabilities:boot_option='local', capabilities:profile='compute' |


Deploying the Overcloud

So now the final stage deploy Overcloud in OpenStack environment is by running openstack overcloud deploy command.

[stack@director ~]$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates --control-scale 1 --compute-scale 1 --neutron-tunnel-types vxlan --neutron-network-type vxlan
Removing the current plan files
Uploading new plan files
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 5dd005ed-67c8-4cef-8d16-c196fc852051
Plan updated
Deploying templates in the directory /tmp/tripleoclient-LDQ2md/tripleo-heat-templates
Started Mistral Workflow. Execution ID: 23e8f1b0-6e4c-444b-9890-d48fef1a96a6
2018-10-08 17:11:42Z [overcloud]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2018-10-08 17:11:42Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2018-10-08 17:11:43Z [overcloud.HorizonSecret]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2018-10-08 17:11:43Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2018-10-08 17:11:43Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap.ServiceNetMapValue]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2018-10-08 17:11:43Z [overcloud.Networks]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed

*** Output Trimmed ***

2018-10-08 17:53:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetRestart]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2018-10-08 17:54:22Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetRestart]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2018-10-08 17:54:22Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2018-10-08 17:54:23Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2018-10-08 17:54:23Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2018-10-08 17:54:24Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2018-10-08 17:54:24Z [overcloud]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully

 Stack overcloud CREATE_COMPLETE

Overcloud Endpoint:

So our overcloud deployment is complete at this stage. Check the stack status

[stack@director ~]$ openstack stack list
| ID                                   | Stack Name | Stack Status    | Creation Time        | Updated Time |
| 952eeb74-0c29-4cdc-913c-5d834c8ad6c5 | overcloud  | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2018-10-08T17:11:41Z | None         |

To get the list of overcloud nodes

[stack@director ~]$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name                   | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                 |
| 9a8307e3-7e53-44f8-a77b-7e0115ac75aa | overcloud-compute-0    | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| 3667b67f-802f-4c13-ba86-150576cd2b16 | overcloud-controller-0 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |

You can get your horizon dashboard credential from the overcloudrc file available at the home folder of user stack (~/stack)

[stack@director ~]$ cat overcloudrc
# Clear any old environment that may conflict.
for key in $( set | awk '{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}' ); do unset $key ; done
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export NOVA_VERSION=1.1
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_NO_CACHE=True
export no_proxy=,,
export OS_CLOUDNAME=overcloud
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Certificate has no, ignore:A true SSLContext object is not available"


So you can login to your horizon dashboard at as shown below using the OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD from overcloudrc file.

install tripleo (openstack on openstack) undercloud and deploy overcloud in Openstack


Lastly I hope the steps from the article to configure tripleo Undercloud to deploy Overcloud in OpenStack was helpful. So, let me know your suggestions and feedback using the comment section.


Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad is the founder of GoLinuxCloud, bringing over a decade of expertise in Linux, Python, Go, Laravel, DevOps, Kubernetes, Git, Shell scripting, OpenShift, Networking, and Security. His extensive experience spans development, DevOps, networking, and security, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for diverse projects.

Certifications and Credentials:

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
  • Go Developer Certification
  • Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Python Institute PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile and join his Facebook and LinkedIn page.

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7 thoughts on “How to Configure Tripleo Undercloud to deploy Overcloud in OpenStack”

  1. Hi I am getting error on `TASK [Ensure system is NTP time synced]`
    I am getting this error, How can I fix this ? THank you in advance.

    fatal: [overcloud-controller-0]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["chronyc", "waitsync", "20"], "delta": "0:03:10.196302", "end": "2022-11-21 12:47:46.528790", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2022-11-21 12:44:36.332488", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [],"stdout": "try: 1, refid: 00000000, correction: 0.000000000, skew: 0.000 ... try: 20, refid: 00000000, correction: 0.000000000, skew: 0.000", "stdout_lines": ["try: 1, refid: 00000000, correction: 0.000000000, skew: 0.000", ... , "try: 20, refid: 00000000, correction: 0.000000000, skew: 0.000"]}

    And my final output is

    NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=179  changed=54   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=167  rescued=0    ignored=1   
    overcloud-novacompute-0    : ok=79   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=127  rescued=0    ignored=0   
    undercloud                 : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
  2. Hi, Its really nice. Thanks for sharing.

    I followed along the article but failed at node registration. To be more precise during VBMC.

    1) Why do we need to do this ==>[root@openstack ~]# wget
    And then yum install ?
    2) Where do we need to install vbmc, on my kvm physical machine or on undercloud?
    3) my openstack baremetal driver list show empty and hence node registration is failing.

    • 1: I think its optional in case you have any problem with yum install
      2: install vbmc on kvm physical machine where you also have virsh tool too
      3: there is a chance you hace network problem which you can check with ‘ipmitool’ if you can turn on/off with this then make sure your instack-twonodes.json file is correct

  3. I am trying to install openstack 15 but getting some error with overcloud installation. Can you please help me. I have a hardware for setup.


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