Now you have registered your system using subscription manager but then you wish to unregister and remove system profile from Red Hat Satellite Network using subscription manager.
Remove System profile
You can unregister your system using the subscription manager command line or WebGUI.
Unregister RHEL 7 using RH Subscription Manager WebGUI
The first step to remove system profile from RHN is login to your Red Hat Portal
Click on "Subscriptions" at the upper left. Then click on Systems under the Manage header.
Search for the system which you wish to remove system profile from Red Hat Network
Click on the system and click on "Remove System"
Confirm the deletion and removal of the system by clicking the "REMOVE" button.
After the deletion, please also execute this command in the system:
# subscription-manager clean
to clean useless subscription data.
Unregister RHEL 7 using RH Subscription Manager CLI
You can also remove system profile and unregister RHEL 7 from Red Hat Network using CLI version of subscription manager. Determine the serial number of the subscription you want to remove by listing information about already attached subscriptions:
rhel-7:~ # subscription-manager list --consumed
Consumed Subscriptions
Subscription Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (1-2 sockets) (Unlimited guests) - Embedded Partner Support
Provides: dotNET on RHEL (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Beta
dotNET on RHEL Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for x86_64
Red Hat Ansible Engine
Oracle Java (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Server)
SKU: RH012345
Contract: 123456788
Account: 123456
Serial: 123456789012345
Pool ID: 8a85f98d67a562bd0167c2880186288c
Provides Management: No
Active: True
Quantity Used: 1
Service Level: Premium
Service Type: PSF
Status Details: Subscription is current
Subscription Type: Stackable
Starts: 12/10/2018
Ends: 12/10/2019
System Type: Physical
Enter a command as follows to remove the selected subscription:
subscription-manager remove --serial=<serial_number>
Replace serial_number with the serial number you determined in the previous step.
To remove all subscriptions attached to the system, run the following command:
rhel-7:~ # subscription-manager remove --all 1 subscription removed at the server. 1 local certificate has been deleted.
rhel-7:~ # subscription-manager unregister Unregistering from: System has been unregistered.
After the deletion, please also execute this command in the system:
# subscription-manager clean
to clean useless subscription data.
Lastly I hope the steps from the article to unregister RHEL 7 system from Red Hat Satellite Network and deleting system profile on Linux was helpful. So, let me know your suggestions and feedback using the comment section.