Discord is a great platform for gamers to communicate and play games together. It is a popular chat app that allows you to connect with friends and family anywhere in the world. It's easy to use, it has a ton of features, and it's free to boot. It's also great for gaming purposes, as it offers features that are not available on other chat platforms. Playing games with friends is a fun and enjoyable experience, and Discord can help make this experience even better. Did you know that you can also add a game on Discord Library?
In this article, we will show you how to add a game on Discord. We will also discuss what you need first and provide some troubleshooting tips if you encounter any issues.
How do I add a Game on Discord Library?
You can add a game on Discord Library as part of your status. This shows that you're gaming or you're doing something that a friend or a member of the server might be interested in joining in.
Newly installed games are often recognized by Discord and shown in the Library area of the Home tab. Even though it may not seem like a big deal overall, some games just won't be there on certain times, which may be really aggravating. After the games are added to your Discord library, the live status will show on your profile every time you are on a game.
When a game is not recognized by Discord though, you can manually add them! All you need to do is find the word that says "Add it!" below Registered Games.
How to see Discord Game Activity?
Discord does not have a game library on it's own, what it does have and what Discord shows is the Discord Game Activity. It depends on the game that you're playing. Discord recognizes some games that you're playing and some may not.
The 'Activity Status' on Discord ought to automatically display any games that are open on the same time as Discord. The program can identify any processes that are now active on your device and display the game you're playing. Discord Game Activity also tells other Discord users that you're doing something and might not have the chance to reply which is similar to being Idle or AFK in Discord.
Discord also saves all the games that you've played or games that you've added in the past as long as you don't remove them on the list. This is perfect specially if you're playing different games on different occasions, Discord will automatically detect them and add them as your Activity Status.
Here's the detailed guide on how to see your Discord Activity Status.
Step 1. Open your Discord Application
Open your Discord application through browser or on the Desktop application. Both offers the same way on how to check your Discord Activity Status. Make sure that you've installed the latest version of the application.
Step 2. Open your Game
Open the game that you wish to play.
Note: If it's already on the list of games that you've played before and already in the library, it will automatically show as your activity status.
Step 3. Go to User Settings
After opening your Discord accord you will see on the bottom left side of the screen, there is your username and your profile picture. Beside that you will see a cog logo that is labelled "User Settings". Click on it.
Step 4. Go to Registered Games
After entering the User Settings, you will see all the settings that you can change on your account. Below Activity Settings, click on "Registered Games".
Step 5. Current Registered Game Playing
The game you’re playing right now should automatically appear.
Step 6. Previous Games Played
Scroll down to see a list of the games you’ve played previously.
How to Manually Add a Game on Discord Library
When a game is not recognized by Discord though, you can manually add them! All you need to do is find the word that says "Add it!" below Registered Games.
Step 1. Open your Discord Application
Open your Discord application thru browser or on the Desktop application. Both offers the same way on how to check your Discord Activity Status. Make sure that you've installed the latest version of the application.
Step 2. Open your Game
Open the game that you wish to play.
Note: If it's already on the list of games that you've played before and already in the library, it will automatically show as your activity status. You might want to manually add a game if it's not on the list of Registered Games yet.
Step 3. Go to User Settings
After opening your Discord accord you will see on the bottom left side of the screen, there is your username and your profile picture. Beside that you will see a cog logo that is labelled "User Settings". Click on it.
Step 4. Go to Registered Games
After entering the User Settings, you will see all the settings that you can change on your account. Below Activity Settings, click on "Registered Games".
Step 4. Add a Game or Activity
Below the Registered Game, you will see a blue message saying "Not your game? Add it!". Click on Add it!
Step 5. Search for the Game
A search bar will appear along with the list of the current applications that are opened in your desktop, You can now search for the game and add it manually.
Step 6. Add Game
After looking for the game or application that you wish to add, click on "Add Game".
Step 7. List of Registered Games
The newly added application or game will not appear on the list of registered / added games. You can view this on the Added Games.
Note: If you're currently using the application or game that you've just added, it will appear as the current game that you're playing.
Discord saves all the games that you've played in the past and whenever you're playing something that is registered on Discord's Registered Games list, it will automatically appear as your Activity Status. This will show all other friends or members of your server or in Discord what you're playing that they might be interested. This also tells other Discord users that you're doing something and might not have the chance to reply which is similar to being Idle or AFK in Discord. If your game isn't appearing as an Activity Status, it might not be still on Discord's library and you might need to add them manually. You can do this by following the steps above. Next time that you're doing something or playing with an application, do not forget to add the game on Discord library and let it be your activity status!