Java create & write to file Examples [Multiple Methods]


Author: Bashir Alam
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

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Introduction to Java create file and Java write to file

A file is simply a storage of data items. We can store a large amount of data in a file and use it later whenever necessary. In this tutorial, we will learn how we can create a Java file and how we can write on it. The java language provides many methods and classes to achieve creating and writing a file task.

Later in this tutorial, we will learn some of these methods including, and NIO Files.write() method to create java files by taking different examples. Moreover, we will also discuss various methods to write in java files including bufferedWriter, printWriter, fileOutputStream, dataOutputStream, and randomAccessFile by taking various examples. All in all, this tutorial is going to help to create a java file and write on it using various methods. 


Getting started with Java create file

A simple definition of a file could be a collection of data stored in one unit, identified by a filename. It can be a document, picture, audio or video stream, data library, application, or other collection of data. Java provides us multiple ways to create files. In this section, we will discuss some of those methods along with taking examples.


Example-1: Java create file using class

This is the first and the most commonly used method for creating a file in Java. We use the method createNewFile() of the class. While initializing the object of the File class, we provide the name of the file which we want to create. After creating this object, we call the createNewFile() method with this object.

This method creates a new file in Java. Its return type is boolean.  Moreover, It returns true if the file is created successfully, else false if the file with the given name already exists.

Now let us take an example and see how we can use this method to create a java file. See the example below:

// importing library
// Importing library
// main class
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //   try block
    try {
        // java create file
      File myFile = new File("MyFile.txt");
    //   check if file created or not!!!
      boolean created = myFile.createNewFile();
    //   If statement
      if (created) {
        System.out.println("File has been created successfully!!");
      else {
        System.out.println("File already present!!");
    // to catch any IO exceptions that might occurs 
    catch(IOException e) {
      System.out.println("Exception Occurred:");


File has been created successfully!!

Also, see the screenshot which shows the newly created file.

Java create & write to file Examples [Multiple Methods]

Notice that on the left side it created a file named "myFile.txt".  Also, it is always a good practice to use try-catch blocks to handle any kind of exception that might occurs during the creating of a java file. You can read more about the syntax of the try-catch block from the article try-catch method in java.

Now, we already had created the file and if we again run the same code, we will get the following output:

File already present!!

We get this message because our condition of creating a new file becomes false as the above method returns false if the file is already exists.


Example-2: Java create file using class

Here is another method of creating a file in Java. This class creates a new file at the specified path and also can write or add the content to it which we will learn in the next section. But here we will use this method to create a file. See the example below which creates the file name "myFile2.txt" in the same directory.

// Importing library
// importing
// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // java create file
        try(FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("myFile2.txt")){
            System.out.println("Successfully java create file!!");


Successfully java create file!!

See the screenshot below as well which shows the newly created java file.

java create file

Notice that a new file has been created which is shown on the left side.


Example-3: Java create file using NIO Files.write() method

Another method is considered one of the best methods to create a file in Java. It is because there are no complexities or worries to close the file resources. This class is located in the java.nio.file package. Now let us take an example and create a new file named "myFile3".

See the example below:

// importing library
// importing NIO 
import java.nio.file. * ;
// main class
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // java create file
    Path myFile = Paths.get("myFile3.txt");
    // try block  
    try {
      // check if file has been created or not!!
      Path check = Files.createFile(myFile);
      System.out.println("Java file created: " + check);
    // catch block
    catch(IOException e) {
      System.out.println("Exception Occurred:");


Java file created: myFile3.txt

Check the screenshot below as well which shows the newly created file.

java create file

Notice that we successfully created a new file named "myFile.txt", which can be seen on the left side.


Creating different types of files with Java

So far if you have noticed, we had created only one type of file using various methods. It is also possible to create different types of methods. You can choose any of the above methods that is easy for you and create different types of files. All you need to do is replace the extension .txt with the type of file that you want to create. For example, see the following example which creates various types of files.

// Importing library
// importing
// main class
public class Main {
    // main method
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
            // create txt file
            FileOutputStream txtFile = new FileOutputStream("Myfile.txt");
            // creating python file
            FileOutputStream pythonFile = new FileOutputStream("");
            // creating java file
            FileOutputStream JavaFile = new FileOutputStream("");
            //  creating csv file
            FileOutputStream CSVfile = new FileOutputStream("MyCSV.csv");       
            System.out.println("Files created!!");


Files created!!

Now let us look at the newly created files. See the image below:

Java create & write to file Examples [Multiple Methods]

Notice that we created various different types of files using java.


Getting started with Java write to file

Now we are good at creating files in java using various. But those files are useless until we will not add any data to them. Java provides us different ways to write on a file. In this section, we will explore some of those libraries and methods that are used in java to write on file and we will take various examples as well. For each case, we will take an empty file named "myFile.txt" and will add different data to it.


Example-1: Java write to file with bufferedWriter method

The very first method that we will use to write or add data to our text file named "myFile.txt" is bufferedWriter. We have to import a couple of libraries to use the buffered writer method as shown in the program below: Let now take the example and see how we can add data to our empty txt file.

// Importing bufferedwriter library
// importing file writer
// importing
// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // string data type
        String string = "Welcome to go linux cloud!!";
        // creating new buffered object
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("MyFile.txt"));
        // adding the data to our java file
        // closing the file after editing


When we run the code, the following data will be added to the file. See the output below:

java write to file

Notice that we successfully added the required data to our file. We can also add data to existing data as well. See the following example which adds more data to our file which already has some data.

// Importing bufferedwriter library
// importing file writer
// importing
// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // string data type
        String string = " And welcome to java tutorials";
        // creating new buffered object 
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("MyFile.txt", true));
        // adding the data to our java file
        // closing the file after editing

Now let us see the text file:

java write to file

In the program notice that the FileWriter() takes and options parameter to override a file or adding data to existing data.


Example-2: Java write to file with printWriter method

Now let us use another method to write or add data to an existing file. We will use printWriter method to add string data to our already existing file named "MyFile.txt". See the example below:

// importing
// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // string data type
        String string = "You are now reading this file!!";
        // creating new object
        PrintWriter adding = new PrintWriter("MyFile.txt");
        // adding data to file
        // closing file

When we run the code, the following data will be added to our file. See the output below:

java file write

Notice that we had successfully added the data to our file.


Example-3: Java write to file with fileOutputStream

Another method to add data to our existing file in java is fileOutputStream method. This is one of the usefull methods to write on files in java. See the example below which uses this method to add string data to our existing file.

// importing

// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // string data type
        String str = "Hello!! This is bashir alam";
        //creating new object 
        FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("MyFile.txt");
        //  adding in form of bytes array
        byte[] adding = str.getBytes();
        // closing file

The following data will be added to the text file.

java write to file


Notice that we successfully added the string data to our file.


Example-4: Java write to file with randomAcessFile

Now let us use another method to write and add data to an existing file. This method is called randomAcessFile method, which enables us to write at a specific position in the file given the offset, from the beginning of the file. See the example below:

// importing

// main class
public class Main {
    // java main method which throws exception if accurs
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
        // string data type
        String string = "Welcome to golinuxcloud!!";
        //creating new object 
        RandomAccessFile writer = new RandomAccessFile("MyFile.txt", "rw");
        // adding data to file
        // closing file

The output will be:

java write to file

Notice that we successfully added the string data to our file.



We already discussed that a file is a collection of data stored in one unit, identified by a filename. In programming, files are used to store a large amount of data and can be used later. In this tutorial, we learned about java creating files and java writing on files. We learned various methods to create files by taking examples and creating files. Moreover, we also discussed different ways to write or add data to existing files. All in all, this tutorial covers all the necessary and important classes and methods that are used in file handling.


Further Reading

Java create file
Java read file
Java write to file


Bashir Alam

Bashir Alam

He is a Computer Science graduate from the University of Central Asia, currently employed as a full-time Machine Learning Engineer at uExel. His expertise lies in Python, Java, Machine Learning, OCR, text extraction, data preprocessing, and predictive models. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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