Bash check File Exists with Best Practices [5 Methods]

Shell Scripting

In the world of shell scripting, the ability to perform file checks is a crucial skill that every developer should possess. One of the most commonly performed operations is to "bash check if file exists" before proceeding with further actions. This ensures that your script runs smoothly, avoiding errors and unnecessary disruptions. Another essential file operation is to "check if file is empty in Bash", which adds an additional layer of verification. Being proficient in these file checks equips you to write more robust, flexible, and error-free Bash scripts, thereby enhancing their efficiency and reliability. This article aims to guide you through the various methods and best practices for conducting these important file checks. Whether you're working on batch processing, automating tasks, or managing logs, understanding how to effectively check for file existence and emptiness is key to successful scripting.


Types of File Checks

Understanding the different types of file checks is fundamental to mastering Bash scripting. Various commands and flags allow you to check for different kinds of files, each serving a unique purpose. Below are the categories of file checks you might encounter:

Regular Files

  • The most common type of file, these include text files, binaries, or any other kind of data file.
  • Checking for regular files specifically can help distinguish them from other types of files like directories or symbolic links.


  • Sometimes you're not interested in files but directories where these files may reside.
  • Checking for a directory is especially crucial when you are going to read multiple files from a location or when you intend to create a new file in a specific directory.

Symbolic Links

  • These are special files that point to other files. They can be thought of as shortcuts to the actual files or directories.
  • Checking whether a symbolic link exists can be important for ensuring the target file or directory is accessible, especially when you're dealing with system configurations or dependencies.

Hidden Files

  • These files are typically configuration files for software applications or user preferences and start with a dot (.).
  • Checking for hidden files is essential when you're dealing with application settings or system configurations. Failing to include hidden files in your checks might result in incomplete operations or missing data.


Different Methods to Check File Exists

1. Bash Test Commands

In Bash scripting, test commands [ ] and [[ ]] are the built-in utilities for evaluating various conditions, including file checks. These square-bracket notations serve as the basis for evaluating conditional expressions, including file attributes. Let's dive into how these commands and their specific flags can be used for various file checks.

  • The single bracket [ ] is the traditional way for string comparison, integer comparison, and file checks.
  • Double brackets [[ ]] are an enhanced version, often preferred for their added functionality like string pattern matching and are generally more robust.


Here's how to use some of the commonly used flags within these test commands:

-e: Checks if the file exists.

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ]; then
    echo "File exists."

-f: Checks if the file is a regular file (not a directory or device file).

if [[ -f "myfile.txt" ]]; then
    echo "It is a regular file."

-d: Checks if it's a directory.

if [ -d "/myfolder" ]; then
    echo "It is a directory."

-h or -L: Checks if the file is a symbolic link.

if [[ -L "mylink" ]]; then
    echo "It is a symbolic link."

-s: Checks if the file is not empty.

if [ -s "myfile.txt" ]; then
    echo "File is not empty."

-r, -w, -x: Checks if the file is readable (-r), writable (-w), or executable (-x).

if [[ -r "myfile.txt" && -w "myfile.txt" ]]; then
    echo "File is readable and writable."


Similarly there are many more attributes which you can use with shell scripts to check for different file types, such as symbolic links, file permissions etc.

Attributes What it does?
-a FILE True if FILE exists
-b FILE True if FILE exists and is a block special file.
-c FILE True if FILE exists and is a character special file.
-d FILE True if FILE exists and is a directory.
-e FILE True if FILE exists
-f FILE True if FILE exists and is a regular file
-g FILE True if FILE exists and its set-group-id bit is set
-h FILE True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link
-k FILE True if FILE exists and its "sticky" bit is set
-p FILE True if FILE exists and is a named pipe (FIFO)
-r FILE True if FILE exists and is readable
-s FILE True if FILE exists and has a size greater than zero
-u FILE True if FILE exists and its set-user-id bit is set
-w FILE True if FILE exists and is writable
-x FILE True if FILE exists and is executable
-G FILE True if FILE exists and is owned by the effective group id
-L FILE True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link
-N FILE True if FILE exists and has been modified since it was last read
-o FILE True if FILE exists and is owned by the effective user id
-S FILE True if FILE exists and is a socket
FILE1 -ef FILE2 True if FILE1 and FILE2 refer to the same device and inode numbers
FILE1 -nt FILE2 True if FILE1 is newer (according to modification date) than FILE2, or if FILE1 exists and FILE2 does not
FILE1 -ot FILE2 True if FILE1 is older than FILE2, or if FILE2 exists and FILE1 does not


2. Using Conditional Statements

In Bash scripting, conditional statements like if, else, and elif are the cornerstones for implementing logic based on evaluations. When combined with test commands [ ] and [[ ]], you can perform file checks to determine the course of action your script should take. Below are some examples to demonstrate the utilization of conditional statements in conjunction with test commands for file checks.


Using if statement

The if statement checks for a condition and executes a block of code if the condition is true.

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "myfile.txt exists."


Using if-else statement

The else statement adds an alternative block of code that gets executed if the condition is not met.

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "myfile.txt exists."
  echo "myfile.txt does not exist."


Using elif statement

The elif (else-if) statement allows for multiple conditions to be checked in sequence.

if [ -d "myfolder" ]; then
  echo "It is a directory."
elif [ -f "myfolder" ]; then
  echo "It is a regular file."
  echo "It does not exist."


Combining Checks with && operator

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ] && [ -s "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "myfile.txt exists and is not empty."


Combining Checks with || operator

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ] || [ -e "anotherfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "Either myfile.txt or anotherfile.txt exists."


Mixing Multiple Operators

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ] && ([ -s "myfile.txt" ] || [ -w "myfile.txt" ]); then
  echo "myfile.txt exists and is either not empty or writable."


3. Using Return Codes

In the context of Bash scripting, return codes—also known as exit codes or status codes—are integers returned by every command or operation to indicate its outcome. These codes provide a way to understand the success or failure of the operation that was just executed. By default, a return code of 0 indicates successful execution, while a non-zero value suggests that some kind of error or unexpected condition occurred.

When you run any command in the shell, it sets a special variable $? to the value of the exit code. You can check this variable to understand how the previous command or operation performed.

ls /nonexistentfolder
echo $?  # Will output a non-zero value, indicating failure

Return codes become particularly useful when performing file checks. After a test command is executed, its return code can be checked to see if the test condition was true or false.


Checking for a File's Existence

[ -e "myfile.txt" ]
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."
  echo "File does not exist."


Checking if a Directory is Writable

[ -w "/myfolder" ]
if [ $code -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Directory is writable."
  echo "Directory is not writable."


Combining Multiple Checks

[ -e "myfile.txt" ] && [ -w "myfile.txt" ]
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists and is writable."


3. Using Functions for File Checks

Encapsulating file checks within Bash functions provides a modular approach to scripting that enhances reusability, maintainability, and readability. Instead of repeatedly writing the same blocks of code to perform file checks, you can define functions once and call them whenever needed. Functions can be parameterized to work with different files or directories, making your script more flexible and easier to manage.

Advantages of Using Functions for File Checks

  • Reusability: The same function can be used multiple times within the script or across different scripts.
  • Modularity: Makes the code more organized, separating the file-checking logic from the main code.
  • Readability: Using function names that describe what they do can make the code more self-explanatory.


Sample Function for File Existence

Here's an example of a function that checks for the existence of a file:

check_file_exists() {
  if [ -e "$1" ]; then
    return 0
    return 1

# Usage
check_file_exists "myfile.txt"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."

An enhanced function can be created to perform a variety of file checks, such as checking for regular files, directories, symbolic links, and more. This function can take a file path as an argument and another argument to specify the type of check. By doing so, it becomes a versatile tool for handling multiple kinds of file checks.

check_file_type() {

  case $check_type in
      [ -e "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -f "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -d "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -L "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -s "$file_path" ] && return 1 || return 0
      [ -r "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -w "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      [ -x "$file_path" ] && return 0 || return 1
      echo "Invalid check type specified."
      return 1

# Usage
check_file_type "myfile.txt" "exists"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."

check_file_type "/myfolder" "directory"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "It's a directory."

check_file_type "myfile.txt" "symlink"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "It's a symbolic link."

In this example, the function check_file_type takes two arguments: file_path, which is the path of the file or directory to check, and check_type, which specifies the type of check to perform. Based on the check_type, the function performs the relevant check and returns either 0 (success) or 1 (failure).


Function to Check for Directory and Writability

A function can even take multiple parameters to perform more than one check:

check_dir_writable() {
  if [ -d "$dir_path" ] && [ -w "$dir_path" ]; then
    return 0
    return 1

# Usage
check_dir_writable "/myfolder"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Directory exists and is writable."


Combining Functions

Functions can be called within other functions to create composite checks:

check_file() {
  check_file_exists $file_path
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "File exists."
    # Additional checks can be added here
    return 0
    echo "File does not exist."
    return 1


4. Looping Constructs and File Checks

Loops in Bash, such as for and while, can be combined with file checks to enable iterative operations that involve processing multiple files or directories. By using loops, you can efficiently perform tasks like batch processing, data analysis, or system maintenance across multiple files.


Using for Loop with File Checks

The for loop can be used to iterate through a list of file paths and perform checks on each file.

for file in /path/to/files/*; do
  if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "$file is a regular file."

This loop iterates through each file in the specified directory and performs a check to see if each file is a regular file. You can adapt this loop to perform various file checks or operations on multiple files.


Using while Loop with File Checks

The while loop is suitable for situations where you want to keep iterating until a certain condition is met.

while read line; do
  if [ -d "$line" ]; then
    echo "$line is a directory."
done < directory_list.txt

In this example, the while loop reads each line from the directory_list.txt file and checks if the content of each line represents a directory. This loop allows you to process a list of files or directories efficiently.


Combining Loops and File Checks

Loops and file checks can be combined to perform complex operations involving multiple files or directories.

for file in /path/to/files/*; do
  if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -r "$file" ]; then
    echo "Processing $file..."
    # Add your processing logic here

Here, the for loop iterates through files, and the loop body checks if each file is a readable regular file before proceeding with further processing.


Alternatives for File Checks

While Bash provides built-in commands for file checks, there are other Linux utilities and commands that can be used to achieve similar results. These alternatives offer different features and capabilities that might be advantageous in certain scenarios.


1. find Command:

The find command is a powerful tool for searching files and directories based on various criteria, including attributes and file types.

find /path/to/search -type f -name "*.txt"

Differences: Unlike the native Bash file checks, find can search recursively through directories and perform complex searches based on various criteria.


2. stat Command:

The stat command provides detailed information about a file, including its type, permissions, size, and more.

stat myfile.txt

Differences: While stat offers comprehensive file information, it doesn't provide direct condition checks like the native Bash file checks. You'd need to parse its output for specific checks.


3. test Command:

The test command is similar to the square bracket notation [ ] and can be used for condition testing.

test -e myfile.txt

Differences: The test command and the square bracket notation [ ] are functionally similar to Bash test commands, but they might differ in terms of portability across different shells.


4. Combining Commands:

You can use other Linux commands in conjunction with file checks to achieve specific tasks. For example, the ls command combined with grep can help you check for files matching a pattern.

ls | grep ".txt$"

Differences: This approach involves more piping and might be less straightforward than native Bash file checks.


5. file Command:

The file command determines a file's type using its content. It's useful when you want to check file formats.

file myfile.txt

Differences: The file command goes beyond basic file checks by examining file contents, but it's not suitable for checking attributes like existence or permissions.


6. ls Command:

The ls command can be used with various options to display file attributes, such as -l for long format or -a for showing hidden files.

ls -l myfile.txt

Differences: While ls can show file attributes, it doesn't directly provide condition checks like the native Bash file checks.


Troubleshooting Common Errors and Best Practices in File Checks

1. Whitespace Issues:

File paths with spaces can cause problems when used in checks, as spaces are treated as separators in Bash.

file_path="/my folder/file.txt"
if [ -f $file_path ]; then
  echo "Regular file."

Best Practice: Enclose file paths in double quotes to handle spaces and special characters properly.

file_path="/my folder/file.txt"
if [ -f $file_path ]; then
  echo "Regular file."


2. Assuming Return Codes:

Relying on the value of $? without verifying the exit code after a command might lead to incorrect conclusions.

ls myfile.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."

Best Practice: Store the return code in a variable immediately after the command and then check that variable.

ls myfile.txt
if [ $return_code -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."


3. Not Considering Permissions:

Overlooking file permissions can cause issues when performing file checks for read, write, or execute operations.

if [ -w "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "File is writable."

Best Practice: Be aware of the permissions required for your checks and operations and make sure your script has appropriate permissions.

if [ -e "myfile.txt" ] && [ -w "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "File exists and is writable."


4. Assuming File Types:

Incorrectly assuming the type of file you're working with can lead to improper checks.

if [ -f "mydir" ]; then
  echo "It's a file."

Best Practice: Always use the appropriate flags for the specific type of file check you want to perform.

if [ -d "mydir" ]; then
  echo "It's a directory."


5. Combining Checks Incorrectly:

Poorly structured conditions with logical operators can lead to unintended logic and results.

if [ -f "myfile.txt" -a -r "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "File exists and is readable."

Best Practice: Parentheses are your friend! Use them to group conditions clearly and avoid ambiguity.

if [ -f "myfile.txt" ] && [ -r "myfile.txt" ]; then
  echo "File exists and is readable."



This article provides a comprehensive exploration of file existence checks within the context of Bash scripting. Emphasizing its significance in error prevention and script stability, the article delves into fundamental techniques for checking whether a file exists. It covers built-in Bash commands like [ -e file_path ] and [ -f file_path ], outlining their usage and syntax. Various types of file checks, including for directories and symbolic links, are explained. The article also discusses the role of conditional statements and loops in tandem with file checks for iterative operations. Common errors and best practices for troubleshooting file check issues are highlighted, enhancing script reliability. By mastering these techniques, readers are equipped to ensure their scripts operate seamlessly by verifying the presence of essential files.


Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad is the founder of GoLinuxCloud, bringing over a decade of expertise in Linux, Python, Go, Laravel, DevOps, Kubernetes, Git, Shell scripting, OpenShift, Networking, and Security. His extensive experience spans development, DevOps, networking, and security, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for diverse projects.

Certifications and Credentials:

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
  • Go Developer Certification
  • Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Python Institute PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile and join his Facebook and LinkedIn page.

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5 thoughts on “Bash check File Exists with Best Practices [5 Methods]”

  1. Missed to check whether a group of files exist, e.g. if [ -e *.jpg ] … which fails when there are too many of them.

  2. Most of this stuff has been really helpful. But there is no difference in single and double square brackets on the -f example. why use double then at all? and doesn’t testing for filenames with spaces doink up things sometimes?


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