insertBefore() JavaScript Method Tutorial



There is a DOM method called insertBefore. You can use it to insert a new element before an existing element. You must specify three things:

  1. the new element you want to insert,
  2. the target element before which you want to insert it,
  3. the parent of both elements.


Syntax of JavaScript insertBefore()

Here's the syntax:


You might not know what the parent element is. That's okay. You can always use the parentNode property of the target element. The parent of any element node must be another element node (attribute nodes and text nodes can't have element nodes as children).

For instance, this is how I could insert the placeholder element before the image gallery list, which has the id "imagegallery":

var gallery = document.getElementById("imagegallery");

At the moment, the parentNode of gallery is the body element. The placeholder element will be inserted as a new child of the body element. It will be inserted before its sibling element, gallery.

I can also insert the description element as a sibling of the gallery element:


The placeholder image and description paragraph are inserted before the image gallery list


Example-1: Insert a new node using insertBefore

If you have a node and need to insert a new node (or element), the insertBefore method is designed specifically for that. Using the insertBefore method, we specify the reference node and place the new node above it, however, if the node already exists, the insertBefore method simply moves the node to the position above the reference node.

The insertBefore method inserts a node as a child, before an existing child, which you specify. The syntax for the insertBefore is stated below.

node.insertBefore(newnode, existingnode);

The method takes in two required parameters - newnode and existingnode;

  • newnode: The node to insert
  • existingnode: The node before which newnode is inserted

For example, we can insert a <p> element as the first child of a <div> element:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <div id="myDiv">Content is here</div>
        let newnode = document.createElement("p");
        newnode.innerHTML = "I'm appearing above the content";
        let existingnode = document.getElementById("myDiv").firstChild;
        document.getElementById("myDiv").insertBefore(newnode, existingnode);


A browser windows showing two paragraph text - "I'm appearing above the content"" and "Content is here"


Example-2: Inserting a New Element in a Specific DOM Location

You want to insert a new paragraph just before the third paragraph within a div element. Use some method to access the third paragraph, such as getElementsByTagName(), to get all of the paragraphs for a div element. Then use the createElement() and insertBefore() DOM methods to add the new paragraph just before the existing third paragraph:

// get the target div
const div = document.getElementById('target');

// retrieve a collection of paragraphs
const paras = div.getElementsByTagName('p');

// create the element and append text to it
const newPara = document.createElement('p');
const text = document.createTextNode('New paragraph content');

// if a third para exists, insert the new element before
// otherwise, append the paragraph to the end of the div
if (paras[2]) {
  div.insertBefore(newPara, paras[2]);
} else {

The document.createElement() method creates any HTML element, which then can be inserted or appended into the page. In the solution, the new paragraph element is inserted before an existing paragraph using insertBefore().

Because we’re interested in inserting the new paragraph before the existing third paragraph, we need to retrieve a collection of the div element’s paragraphs, check to make sure a third paragraph exists, and then use insertBefore() to insert the new paragraph before the existing one. If the third paragraph doesn’t exist, we can append the element to the end of the div element using appendChild().



To insert a node (or element) before another node, we can make use of the insertBefore method in JavaScript. The insertBefore() method requires two parameters: the node to be inserted and the reference node in the document before which you would like the node inserted. If you do not pass a second parameter to the insertBefore() method, then it functions just like appendChild().



Node.insertBefore() - Web APIs | MDN (


Olorunfemi Akinlua

Olorunfemi Akinlua

He is boasting over five years of experience in JavaScript, specializing in technical content writing and UX design. With a keen focus on programming languages, he crafts compelling content and designs user-friendly interfaces to enhance digital experiences across various domains. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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