Overview of SQL INSERT INTO SELECT statement
SQL insert into select statement is used to insert data from one table to another, where data is the resulting set of records using SQL Select statement, using SQL insert into select statement we are copying the records of one table and inserting it to another so the existing records of targeted and source tables are unaffected, The INSERT INTO SELECT statement requires that the data types in source and target tables match
INSERT [ TOP ( expression ) [ PERCENT ] ] INTO target_table [(column1, column2, column3, ...])
SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
FROM source_table
[WHERE condition];
Syntax argument of SQL INSERT INTO SELECT
- target_table :Â It is the name of the table in which the data will be inserted or copied from the source table, the database name and schema name need to specify if the targeted table is of another database
- source_table :Â It is a name of the table from which data will be derived using SQL select statement
- (column1, column2, column3, ...) :Â Name of the columns to be fetched from the source table and inserted to the destination table, targeted and source table column name must be matched. column name with targeted_table name is optional, if we do not specify value will insert in all columns
- [WHERE condition] :Â The where condition clause is optional, it allows us to conditionally retrieve rows from the table and to be inserted into target table
- [ TOP ( expression ) [ PERCENT ] ] : The TOP clause part is optional. It allows you to specify the number of rows returned by the query to be inserted into the target table. If you use the PERCENT option, the statement will insert the percent of rows instead
Key points to remember for SQL INSERT INTO SELECT
- The Column structure should match between the column returned by SELECT statement and destination table
- SQL insert into select statement can also be used to efficiently transfer a large number of rows from one table, such as a staging table, to another table with minimal logging
- It is a best practice to always use the TOPclause with the ORDER BY clause
Consider hospital management database for performing practical examples of SQL insert into select Statement
Patient Table
patient_id | name | age | gender | address | disease | doctor_id |
1 | reema | 23 | female | althan,Surat | fever | 21 |
2 | kusum | 50 | female | vadodara | heart failure | 22 |
3 | carlin | 43 | male | vapi | infection | 23 |
4 | rahul | 26 | male | navsari | cancer | 21 |
6 | hansha | 55 | female | vapi | diabetes | 22 |
Doctor Table
doctor_id | name | age | gender | address |
21 | asif | 55 | male | baruch |
22 | dhawal | 40 | male | Surat |
23 | krishna | 39 | female | Surat |
24 | lissa | 35 | female | Navsari |
25 | leeba | 34 | female | baruch |
26 | vini | 33 | female | Surat |
27 | Dhiren | 32 | male | Navsari |
Bill Table
bill_no | patient_id | doctor_id | room_charge | no_of_days |
5005 | 1 | 340 | 500 | 4 |
5006 | 2 | 600 | 480 | 8 |
5008 | 3 | 800 | 340 | 3 |
5009 | 4 | 780 | 890 | 6 |
5010 | 3 | 400 | 1 | |
5011 | 1 | 200 | 300 | 1 |
5012 | 2 | 600 | 110 | 2 |
5013 | 3 | 330 | 210 | 1 |
5014 | 1 | 230 | 340 | 2 |
Laboratory Table
lan_no | patient_id | doctor_id | date | amount |
10 | 1 | 21 | 02-02-2000 | 4000 |
20 | 2 | 21 | 09-09-2001 | 300 |
30 | 3 | 22 | 03-03-2001 | 600 |
40 | 1 | 23 | 02-06-2002 | 800 |
50 | 4 | 21 | 05-07-2003 | 900 |
60 | 2 | 25 | 10-04-2004 | 550 |
70 | 4 | 22 | 03-04-2005 | 900 |
SQL INSERT INTO SELECT to insert all records of one table to another table
Example 1: Write SQL query to insert all records of patient table to admitted_patient table
INSERT INTO admitted_patient
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city,disease, doctor_id
FROM patient
- In the above query, SQL insert into select statement is used to insert records of the patient table into admitted_patient table
- name of columns do not specify with admitted_patient table so the data will be copied in the matched column of the patient table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of a targeted table
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city, disease, doctor_id
FROM dbo.admitted_patient
SQL INSERT INTO SELECT with Where condition
Using the where clause we can conditionally retrieve records from the source table and insert them into targeted table
Example 2: Write SQL query to fetch female patient data from the patient table and insert that records to female_patient table
INSERT INTO female_patient_data (patient_id, name, age, gender, address,city, disease, doctor_id)
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city,disease, doctor_id
FROM patient
WHERE (gender = 'female')
- In the above query, SQL insert into a select statement with where the condition is used to retrieve female patient data from the patient table and insert into the female_patient_data table
- In this query where the condition is used to check for gender-equal to female value in the patient table
- when we execute the above query 3 records from the patient table will be fetched and inserted into the female_patient_data table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of a targeted table
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city, disease, doctor_id
FROM dbo.female_patient_data
Example 3: Write SQL query to copy patient records whose age is more than 60 into the oldage_patient table
INSERT INTO oldage_patient
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city, disease, doctor_id
FROM patient
WHERE (age > 60)
- In the above query, SQL insert into a select statement with where the condition is used to retrieve old age patient data from the patient table and insert into oldage_patient table
- In this query where the condition is used to check for patient age, the value must be more than 60 value
- when we execute the above query 1 records from the patient table will be fetched and inserted into oldage_patient table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of a targeted table
SELECT patient_id, name, age, gender, address, city, disease, doctor_id
FROM oldage_patient
SQL INSERT INTO SELECT to insert the top N of rows with the order by
Example 4: Write SQL query to insert top 5 laboratory reports in the increment order of amount into min_amount_lab_report table
INSERT INTO min_amount_lab_report
SELECT TOP (3) lab_no, patient_id, doctor_id, date, amount
FROM laboratory
ORDER BY amount
- In the above query, SQL insert into select statement is used with a top clause to insert only top 3 records from the selected recordset using select statement with an order by clause
- The first inner SQL select statement will be executed and it will return all records of the laboratory table in the increment order of the amount
- The outer insert into the statement will insert the top 3 records from the selected recordset into the min_amount_lab_report table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of the targeted table
SELECT lab_no, patient_id, doctor_id, date, amount
FROM min_amount_lab_report
SQL INSERT INTO SELECT to insert the top percent of rows with an order by desc
Example 5: Write SQL query to retrieve patient billing data in the decrement order of room charges and insert top 10% record into max_room_charge table
INSERT INTO max_room_charge
SELECT TOP (10) PERCENT bill_no, patient_id, doctor_id, doctor_charge, room_charge, no_of_days
FROM bill
ORDER BY room_charge DESC
- In the above query, SQL insert into select statement is used to insert top 10% maximum room_charges of bill table into max_room_charge table
- The first inner SQL Select statement is executed and it will return bill table records in the descending order of room charges
- Outer insert into top(10) percent will insert top 10% records of total records into max_room_charge table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of a targeted table
SELECT bill_no, patient_id, doctor_id, doctor_charge, room_charge, no_of_days
FROM max_room_charge
SQL INSERT INTO SELECT statement with Join clause to get data from multiple tables
We can use a JOIN clause to get data from multiple tables, These tables are joined with conditions specified with the ON clause
Example 6: Write SQL query to insert patient data with billing detail into oldage_patient_bill whose age is more than 40 and admitted for more than 2 days in the hospital
Insert into oldage_patient_bill select patient.patient_id,name,age,disease,bill_no,bill.doctor_id,no_of_days
from patient
left join bill on patient.patient_id=bill.patient_id
where age >40 and no_of_days>2
- In the above query, SQL insert into select statement is used with left outer join to retrieve data from two tables patient and bill
- The first inner select statement is executed and return join records set of bill and patient table in which age value is more than 40 and no of admitted days are more than 2
- Outer insert into statement will insert resulted record set of select statement into oldage_patient_bill table
To see the output of the above query we need to use the SQL Select statement to fetch records of a targeted table
SELECT patient_id, name, age, disease, bill_no, doctor_id, no_of_days
FROM dbo.oldage_patient_bill
This article of SQL INSERT INTO SELECT, the article begins with the overview of SQL INSERT INTO SELECT with syntax, use of each syntax argument and clause, the key point to remember for SQL INSERT INTO SELECT, practical examples are also discussed starts with a simple example to insert all records of one table to another, conditionally insert data of one table to another using where clause, insert the top N of rows with an order by, insert the top percent of rows with an order by desc, Insert with Join clause to get data from multiple tables