Python Pandas Tutorial

Python Pandas

Author: Bashir Alam
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

Related Searches: pandas dataframe, pandas merge, pandas read csv, pandas tutorial, pandas groupby, pandas drop column, pd read_csv, pandas set index, drop column pandas, pandas apply, pandas series


Introduction to Python Pandas

The name "Pandas" has a reference to both "Panel Data", and "Python Data Analysis" and was created by Wes McKinney in 2008. Pandas is a Python library used to work with data sets. It is popular for its powerful functionalities. Its common and important functionalities include analyzing, cleaning, exploring and manipulating data. In this tutorial we will cover the basic knowledge that you need to start with pandas. We will start with installing and creating different dataframes. Moreover we will also cover how to read different types of files using pandas.


Install Pandas in Python

Standard python distribution does not come with pandas. We have to manually install pandas in our local environment. We can use pip to install python pandas on our local system.

pip install pandas

If you have installed Anaconda Python Packages, pandas will be installed by default with it.


Create Pandas Series

A series is a sequence of data values. Unlike data frame which is a table, a series is a list of data. Creating a panda series is similar to creating a list. See example below.

import pandas as pd

#creating panda series
data = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

#printing data


0    10
1    20
2    30
3    40
4    50

A series is simply, a single column of data frame. So that means we can assign column values to the Series in the same way as before, using an index parameter. However, a Series does not have a column name, it only has one overall name.

import pandas as pd

#creating series and indexing it
data = pd.Series([30, 35, 40], index=['First year', 'Second year', 'third year Sales'], name='Product per year')

#printing data


First year          30
Second year         35
third year Sales    40
Name: Product per year, dtype: int64


Pandas Dataframe

A data frame is a table which contains an array of individual entries, each of which has a certain value. Each entry corresponds to a row (or record) and a column.

We use pd.DataFrame() constructor to generate  Data frame objects. The syntax for declaring a new data frame  is a dictionary whose keys are the column names, and values are a list of entries. This is the standard way of constructing a new Data frame, see example below.

import pandas as pd

# creating data frame
data = pd.DataFrame({'first': [10, 21], 'second': [11, 2]})

#printing data


   first  second
0     10      11
1     21       2

Data frames are not only limited to integers and floats. It can also contain strings as well. See the example below.

import pandas as pd

#creating dataframe
data = pd.DataFrame({'intro': ["my name is BA", "Age is 20"], 'age': ["My name is BB", "Age is 22"]})

#printing data


          intro            age
0  my name is BA  My name is BB
1      Age is 20      Age is 22

The dictionary-list constructor assigns values to the column labels, but just uses an ascending count from 0 (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) for the rows labels. We can change the default one and assign custom row labelling.

The list of row labels used in a Data frame is known as an index. We can assign values to it by using an index parameter in our constructor: see the example below.

import pandas as pd

#creating data frame
data = pd.DataFrame({'one': [30, 40],
             'two': [0, 50]},
            index=['Product A', 'Product B'])

#printing data


           one  two
Product A   30    0
Product B   40   50


Example-1: Indexing and Selecting data in Pandas

As we have seen above, a Data frame is a two-dimensional data structure. For example, data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns. Pandas allows us to  perform basic operations on rows and columns like selecting, deleting, adding, and renaming. In this section we will perform some basic operations on rows and columns using pandas on a data frame.

Let say we have the following pandas data frame:

import pandas as pd

# creating dataframe along with indexing
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

# printing data


      Students  teachers  departments
2016       300        11            2
2017       450        14            3
2018       500        14            3
2019       450        13            3
2020       500        15            4


Example-2: Selecting column in pandas

Selecting a particular column in pandas data frame is very easy. We can select a column by simply calling its name. See the following example.

import pandas as pd

#creating data frame 
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

 <i># select one column columns</i>



2016       300
2017       450
2018       500
2019       450
2020       500

We can also select multiple columns at time. See the example below:

import pandas as pd

#creating dataframe 
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

 #Selecting two columns
 print(data[['students', 'teachers']])


  students  teachers
2016       300        11
2017       450        14
2018       500        14
2019       450        13
2020       500        15


Example-3: Adding new column in Pandas

We can create a new list as a column and then add that list to the existing data frame. Let's add one more column to our data frame. See the example below:

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># creating new list as dataframe</i>
cities = ["x", "Y", "z", "A", "B"]

<i># adding new column to data frame</i>
data["City"]= cities

<i># Printing dataframe</i>


      students  teachers  departments City
2016       300        11            2    x
2017       450        14            3    Y
2018       500        14            3    z
2019       450        13            3    A
2020       500        15            4    B

There is a built-in function in pandas known as .insert() which is used to add a new column to the existing data frame. The first argument in .insert() is to define the position of inserting a new column, the second argument is the name of the column and the third argument contains the data/entries. See the example below.

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># inserting new column to datafram</i>
<i>#defining position at o index</i>

data.insert(0, "city" , ["x", "Y", "z", "A", "B"] )

<i># Printing dataframe</i>


    city  students  teachers  departments
2016    x       300        11            2
2017    Y       450        14            3
2018    z       500        14            3
2019    A       450        13            3
2020    B       500        15            4


Example-4: Deleting column in Pandas

Column can be deleted in pandas by using its built-in function known as drop(). Rows or columns can be removed using index labels or column names using this method. See the example below.

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># Deleting column named teachers</i>
data.drop(['students'], axis=1, inplace=True)

<i># Printing dataframe</i>


      teachers  departments
2016        11            2
2017        14            3
2018        14            3
2019        13            3
2020        15            4

The Pandas drop() function can take the following arguments:

  • labels: String or list of strings referring to row or column name.
  • axis: int or string value, 0 ‘index’ for Rows and 1 ‘columns’ for Columns.
  • index or columns: Single label or list. index or columns are an alternative to axis and cannot be used together.
  • level: Used to specify level in case a data frame is having multiple level indexes.
  • inplace: Makes changes in the original Data Frame if True.
  • errors: Ignores error if any value from the list doesn’t exists and drops rest of the values when errors = ‘ignore’


Example-5: Selecting row in Pandas

Pandas provide a unique method to retrieve rows from a Data frame. dataframe.loc() is a pandas built-in function used to select rows from pandas data frame. Rows can also be selected by passing integer location to an loc() function. See the example below.

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># Selecting specific row</i>
row = data.loc["2018"]

<i># Printing selected row</i>


students       500
teachers        14
departments      3
Name: 2018, dtype: int64


Example-6: Adding new row in Pandas

In pandas, in order to add a new row, we can concat the old data frame with the new one. See the example below:

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i>#Creating new row as dataframe</i>
new_row = pd.DataFrame({'students' :100, 'teachers': 9, 'departments':2}, index=[0])

<i># concatinating new dataframe with old one at position 0</i>
data = pd.concat([new_row, data]).reset_index(drop = True)

<i># printing the data</i>


  students  teachers  departments
0       100         9            2
1       300        11            2
2       450        14            3
3       500        14            3
4       450        13            3
5       500        15            4


Example-7: Deleting a row in Pandas

Pandas have a built-in function drop() to delete rows. Rows are deleted by dropping Rows by index label. See the example below.

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># deleting 2016 row</i>
data.drop('2016', inplace=True)

<i># printing the data</i>


   students  teachers  departments
2017       450        14            3
2018       500        14            3
2019       450        13            3
2020       500        15            4


Working with CSV files in Pandas

We will not always work with data frames and series that we created, but sometimes we need to work with already existing data as well. Data can be stored in many different forms and formats among which CSV is a popular one. In this section we will see how we can use pandas to perform different operations on CSV files.


Example-1: Save pandas data frame as CSV file

Most of the datasets we work with are called Data frames. Pandas had a powerful feature to convert data frame to CSV file and use it later.

Let us now save our data frame to a CSV file using pandas.

import pandas as pd

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># converting dataframe to csv file</i>

Here is newly created CSV file.

Python Pandas Tutorial

Notice that the index and headers are also included in our CSV file. We can convert our data frame to CSV without headers and indexes. See the example below:

import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index

<i># creating data frame</i>
data = pd.DataFrame({'students': [300, 450, 500, 450, 500], 'teachers': [11, 14, 14, 13, 15], 'departments':[2, 3, 3, 3, 4]},
index=["2016", "2017", "2018","2019","2020"])

<i># converting dataframe to csv file</i>
data.to_csv("My_file.csv" , header= False, index=False)


Python Pandas Tutorial

Example-2: Reading CSV files using Pandas

Pandas is known for its powerful built-in functions.  read_csv() is a built-in function which is used to read csv files. See example below:

import pandas as pd

<i># reading csv file</i>
data = pd.read_csv("My_file.csv")

<i># printing data</i>


 300  11  2
0  450  14  3
1  500  14  3
2  450  13  3
3  500  15  4

Here, notice that the row indexing starts from the second row, it is because by default pandas treats the very first column as headers and starts indexing from the next row. See the example below where we had defined headers to None.

import pandas as pd

<i># reading csv file</i>
data = pd.read_csv("My_file.csv", header=None)

<i># printing data</i>


  0   1  2
0  300  11  2
1  450  14  3
2  500  14  3
3  450  13  3
4  500  15  4


Working with xlsx files in Pandas

We can easily read xlsx files using pandas and apply the powerful features of pandas over it. Pandas reads the xlsx files and stores data in the pandas data frame. Function .read_xlsx() is used to read xlsx files. See the example below.

Let us say the xlsx file contains the following data:

Python Pandas Tutorial


import pandas as pd

<i># reading excel file</i>
<i># storing data in pandas dataframe</i>
df = pd.read_excel ('My_excel.xlsx')
print (df)


  names  month  year
0    BA     12  2016
1    AA      1  2017
2    Jk      2  2018
3    Hd      3  2019

If your excel file has more than one sheet, we can print individual and specified sheet by passing sheet_name argument:

import pandas as pd

<i># reading excel file</i>
<i># storing data in pandas dataframe</i>
df = pd.read_excel ('My_excel.xlsx', sheet_name="Sheet1")

print (df)


  names  month  year
0    BA     12  2016
1    AA      1  2017
2    Jk      2  2018
3    Hd      3  2019



Pandas is a python module used to work with data sets. Its main functions include analyzing, cleaning, exploring, and manipulating data. Moreover, it allows us to analyze big data and make conclusions based on statistical theories, clean messy data sets, and make them readable and relevant. That’s why it is one of the most important components in data science. In this tutorial we discussed some of the basic and important concepts of pandas including selecting and indexing data frame and reading different types of files containing data sets.


Further readings

Installation of Pandas
Pandas and Python
More about Pandas


Bashir Alam

Bashir Alam

He is a Computer Science graduate from the University of Central Asia, currently employed as a full-time Machine Learning Engineer at uExel. His expertise lies in Python, Java, Machine Learning, OCR, text extraction, data preprocessing, and predictive models. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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