In computer programming, conditional statements help you make decisions based on a given condition. The conditional statement evaluates if a condition is true or false, therefore it is worth noting that if statements work with boolean values. Just like other programming languages, Go has its own construct for conditional statements. In this tutorial , we will learn about different types of conditional statements in Go.
Below are the topics that we will cover
- If statement
- If - Else statement
- If -else if else statement
- Nested If statement
- Logical operators AND , OR and NOT
- Using multiple conditions if if else
Supported Comparison Operators in GO
Before we go ahead learning about golang if else statement, let us be familiar with supported comparison operators as you may need to use them in the if else conditions for decision making:
Operator | Description | Example |
== | Equal to | num == 0 |
!= | Not equal to | num != 0 |
< | Less than | num < 0 |
<= | Less than or equal to | num <= 0 |
> | Greater than | num > 0 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | num >= 0 |
if statement
If a statement is used to specify a block of code that should be executed if a certain condition is true
if condition {
code to execute
In the above syntax, the keyword if
is used to declare the beginning of an if statement, followed by a condition that is being tested. The condition should be a value of boolean type
, the the block of code between opening and closing curly brackets will be executed only if the condition is true
. In the next example, we define code that will only run if age is above 18 years.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
age := 19
ageLimit := 18
if age > ageLimit {
fmt.Println("You are allowed to drive a car")
In the preceding example, we define the age
and ageLimit
variables. In the if statement we compare the value of age
and ageLimit
by checking which is greater. The statement age > ageLimit
will evaluate to true because 19 is greater than 18. The code block will be executed because the condition is true
$ go run main.go
You are allowed to drive a car
One liner if statement
We can also convert our if condition to run in one line, for example here I have written the same if condition in 2 different ways, one is multi line while the other is using single line:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num0 := 150
// multi-line if condition
if num0 > 100 || num0 < 900 {
fmt.Println("Currency: ", num0)
// one liner if condition
if num0 > 100 || num0 < 900 {fmt.Println("Currency: ", num0)}
$ go run main.go
Currency: 150
Currency: 150
if else Statement
If Else statement is used to evaluate both conditions that might be true or false. In the previous example, we did not really care if a condition evaluates to false. We use If Else conditional statements to handle both true
and false
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
age := 12
ageLimit := 18
if age > ageLimit {
fmt.Println("You are allowed to drive a car")
} else {
fmt.Println("You are NOT allowed to drive a car")
In the preceding example, we define the age
and ageLimit
variables. In the if statement we compare the value of age
and ageLimit
by checking which is greater. The statement age > ageLimit
will evaluate to false because 12 is less than 18. The second code block will be executed because the condition is false
$ go run main.go
You are NOT allowed to drive a car
if else if statement
If Else If statement is used to specify a new condition if the first condition is false. When using If Else If statement, you can nest as many If Else conditions as you desire.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
age := 17
ageLimit := 18
if age > ageLimit {
fmt.Println("You are allowed to drive a car")
} else if age == 17 {
fmt.Println("Prepare to get a driving license")
fmt.Println("You are NOT allowed to drive a car")
In the above example, the first if statement
evaluates to false
because age (17)
is not greater than ageLimit(18)
. We then check again if age
is equal to 17, which evaluates to true
. The block of code inside this section will be executed.
$ go run main.go
Prepare to get a driving license
Nested if Statement
Nested if Statement, is a If conditional statement that has an If statement inside another If statement. The nested If statement will always be executed only if the outer If statement evaluates to true.
if conditionX {
if conditionY {
In the above syntax, the second if statement with condition labeled conditionY
is housed inside the outer If statement with condition labeled conditionX
. As long as condition labeled conditionX
is true
, if conditionY
will be executed.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
serverPort := 8000
var clientPort int
if serverPort == 8000 {
clientPort = 8001
if clientPort > 7900 {
fmt.Printf("Server running on \n", serverPort)
fmt.Printf("Server running on \n", clientPort)
$ go run main.go
Server running on
Server running on
Supported Logical Operators in GO
We also have some logical operators on golang which help us when we have to check for multiple conditions:
Operator | Description | Example |
== | Equal to | num == 0 |
!= | Not equal to | num != 0 |
< | Less than | num < 0 |
<= | Less than or equal to | num <= 0 |
> | Greater than | num > 0 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | num >= 0 |
if else statements using logical operator
In Go we use logical operators together with If conditional statements to achieve certain goals in our code. Logical operators return/execute to boolean values, hence making more sense using them conditional statements. Below are definitions of the three logical operators in Go.
Using logical AND operator
Checks of both operands are none zero. In case both operands are none-zero, a true value will be returned, else a false value will be returned. The operator representing logical AND is &&
package main
import (
func main() {
isClient := true
isLoggedIn := true
if isClient && isLoggedIn {
fmt.Println("Client is logged in")
$ go run main.go
Client is logged in
Using logical OR operator
Check if one operand is true. In case one operand is true code will be executed. The operator representing logical OR is ||
package main
import (
func main() {
isClient := true
isLoggedIn := false
if isClient || isLoggedIn {
fmt.Println("Current user is a Client")
Using logical NOT operator
Reverses the logical state of its operands. If a condition is true, the logical operator NOT will change it to false. The operator representing logical Not is ! .
package main
import (
func main() {
isClient := true
isLoggedIn := false
if !(isClient && isLoggedIn) {
fmt.Println("Current user is a Client and is not logged in")
$ go run main.go
Current user is a Client and is not logged in
Using multiple condition in golang if else statements
We can also add multiple conditional blocks inside the if else statements to further enhance the decision making. Let us check some more examples covering if else multiple condition:
if statement with 2 logical OR Operator
Here we are checking if our num is more than 100 or less than 900:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num0 := 150
if num0 > 100 || num0 < 900 {
fmt.Println("num0 is greater than 100 and less than 900")
$ go run main.go
num0 is greater than 100 and less than 900
if statement with 3 logical OR Operator
In this example we add one more OR condition to the if condition:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num0 := 150
if num0 > 100 || num0 < 900 || num0 != 0 {
fmt.Println("num0 is non-empty or greater than 100 and less than 900")
$ go run main.go
num0 is non-empty or greater than 100 and less than 900
Using both logical AND and OR operator in single if statement
We can also use both AND and OR operator inside a single if statement, here is an example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num0 := 150
if num0 > 100 || num0 < 900 && num0 != 0 {
fmt.Println("num0 is non-empty or greater than 100 and less than 900")
$ go run main.go
num0 is non-empty or greater than 100 and less than 900
Using multiple conditions with if..else..if..else statement
Now we have used multiple conditions in our if condition but you can use the same inside else..if condition or combine it with if..else..if statements.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num0 := 1100
if num0 > 100 && num0 < 900 {
fmt.Println("num0 is non-empty or greater than 100 and less than 900")
} else if num0 >= 900 && num0 < 1000 {
fmt.Println("num0 is definitely more than 900 and less than 1000")
} else {
fmt.Println("num0 seems to be higher than 1000")
$ go run main.go
num0 seems to be higher than 1000
In Go, we use conditional statements to handle decisions precisely in code. They enable our code to perform different computations or actions depending on whether a condition is true
or false
. In this article we have learned about different if conditional statements like If, If Else, If Else If Else, Nested If statements
Related Keywords: golang if else shorthand, golang if else one line, golang if else multiple conditions, golang if else string, golang if true, golang if else best practices, golang if statement with assignment, golang if not