Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]


Author: Steve Alila
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad

You have installed Node.js on your system and are comfortable writing JavaScript on code editors like Visual Studio Code. However, you still find it hard to debug your applications. Worry no more.

This tutorial teaches you how to get started with Node.js debugging on the terminal. You will not install any extension or package because we will utilize the built-in Node.js debug tools.

First, it would help to understand the sources of errors in your code.


Node.js debug syntax errors

Syntax errors are the most familiar and easiest to debug. They mainly result from missing brackets, poor indentation, or using undeclared variables.

Most modern code editors will underline syntax errors. Better yet, the terminal prints the error on running the code.

For example, assume you are about to run this code on the terminal.

const companyEmployees = ['Doe', 'Lorem', 'Ipsum']

for (let employee in campanyEmployees) {

Save the code, exit the code editor then run the file using the node command.

node [file name]

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

The terminal tells you the line with the error and the exact variable causing the error.


Node.js debug logical errors

Node.js debugging on logical errors can be troublesome because your code often runs without shouting errors, yet you don't get the expected output. The errors mainly result from inappropriate conditions and using the unintended variables.

Assume you want to get the sum of the first five odd numbers using a for loop. You write the code in the Vim editor.

const numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
let sum = 0

for (let i = 0; i <= numbers.length; i++) {
sum += numbers[i]


You save the file.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

And run the file on the terminal.

node index.js

And to your surprise, the output is not a number, yet you expected an integer of the value 25!

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

You restructure your code but still cannot catch the error. You run the file with Visual Studio Code, hoping to see the error with extensions, but you still cannot understand why the output is NaN and not 25.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Here are the typical Node.js debug options for logical errors.


Use the console.log()

The quickest way to Node.js debug your applications is to log the output on the console. For example, our target output from the above code is the sum. So, there is a high chance the problem occurs inside the loop, as we add the values of each iteration i.

Let's console-log each value of i and see when the code breaks.

const numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
let sum = 0

for (let i = 0; i <= numbers.length; i++) {
console.log(sum += numbers[i], i)

// console.log(sum)

We have commented out the sum outside the loop and monitoring how it gets built inside the for loop. Running the file, you get the following output:

1 0
4 1
9 2
16 3
25 4
NaN 5

From the output, it seems our code breaks at the last loop. That means we are looping beyond the length of the (numbers) array.

Let's update the loop condition from i <= numbers.length; to i < numbers.length; then rerun the file.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Although logging output on the console is a quick way to Node.js debug applications, it is unsuitable for a large codebase and is often prone to errors. It would be best to use Node.js inspector instead.


Use the Node.js debug inspector

Node.js presents you with multiple ways to catch logical errors in your code. The inspect option is one of the recommended ways to Node.js debug a small code size line by line.

Here, the node command takes the inspect option and the entry file's name.

node inspect index.js

Running the command enters the debug mode with the following output:

< Debugger listening on ws://
< For help, see: https://node.js.org/en/docs/inspector
connecting to ... ok
< Debugger attached.
Break on start in index.js:1
> 1 const numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
3 let sum = 0

The debugger server listening on port 9229 allows us to debug the application with external clients. The message

connecting to ... ok

shows the debugger is currently attached to the machine's (local) network. The code's execution stops presently at line 1 as denoted by the forward arrow >.

Break on start in index.js:1

The debug prompt (where we type commands) comes after the numbered lines of code.


Typical commands are:

  • n: Move to the next line, skipping the empty lines.
  • c: Continue the execution till the next breakpoint or the program's end.
  • watch: Track a variable or expression's value change. Similarly, you can untrack an element using the unwatch command.
  • pause: Halt the execution.
  • s: Step into a function.
  • o: Step out of a function.
  • .exit: Stop Node.js debugging and get out of the debug terminal.

The debugger highlights the code portion it is about to execute, for example, the initializer, the array's length property, and the sum variable inside the loop.

Let's watch the target variables: the sum value that gets changed by the i counter.

debug> watch('sum')
debug> watch('i')

Meanwhile, keep moving to the subsequent lines (using the n command) as you monitor the sum and i values. Once you have visited each target variable at least once (but before the first iteration), their values become zero.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]


At the end of the fourth iteration, the sum is 25. At the end of the fifth iteration, the sum is NaN, and soon i becomes undefined because we are out of the loop.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Although we debugged the code, we consumed much time. That makes the inspect option less efficient for a large codebase. The most immediate solution is using the built-in Node.js debugger breakpoints.


Use the Node.js debugger breakpoints

Node.js debugger allows us to create breakpoints in the areas of the code we want to jump to and test their execution.

Assume we want to build a simple database with an array of random numbers and unique IDs, then read the database contents using the readFile() method of the fs module.

Project setup

We generate a random array of numbers,

const numbersArray = (count) => {
let numbers = []

for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
numbers.push(Math.ceil(Math.random() * count))

return numbers

create a record of a unique id from each of the array's elements,

const { randomUUID } = require('crypto')

const generateRecords = (numberOfRecords) => {
let records = []

for (let number of numbersArray(numberOfRecords)) {
records.push({ recordId: randomUUID(), numberStored: number })

writeFile('db.json', '', e => e ? console.log(e) : '')
return records

And save the collection of records in a JSON file.

const { writeFile } = require('fs')

const saveRecords = (count) => {
const records = generateRecords(count)
let savedRecords = []

for (let record of records) {

writeFile('db.json', JSON.stringify(savedRecords, null, 2), e => e ? console.log(e) : '')

Lastly, we export the custom module

module.exports = saveRecords

into the entry index.js file.

const { readFile } = require('fs')
const saveRecords = require('./save.js')


readFile('db.json', 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err
else console.log(JSON.parse(data))

And run the custom module's saveRecords() function with a count of 5. Lastly, we read the db.json file.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]


Expectations vs output

We expect to create a db.json file with an array of objects containing unique IDs and saved integers on running the index.js file on the terminal.

node index.js

Instead, the execution does not stop until we stop it with ctrl+c. Yes, a db.json file is created. But it is empty.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Let's find out why the output is unexpected.


Find the problem with the Node.js debugger

The output shows that the file is written, but the data is not saved. So, did we

  • return the array of random numbers?
  • generate and return unique records?
  • save the records?

Let's check by putting the (debugger) breakpoints before:

  1. returning the numbers from the numbersArray function,
const numbersArray = (count) => {
let numbers = []

for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
numbers.push(Math.ceil(Math.random() * count))

return numbers

2. returning the records from the generateRecords() function,

const generateRecords = (numberOfRecords) => {
let records = []

for (let number of numbersArray(numberOfRecords)) {
records.push({ recordId: randomUUID(), numberStored: number })

writeFile('db.json', '', e => e ? console.log(e) : '')
return records

3. writing the data into the savedRecords array in the saveRecords() function.

const saveRecords = (count) => {
const records = generateRecords(count)
let savedRecords = []

for (let record of records) {

writeFile('db.json', JSON.stringify(savedRecords, null, 2), e => e ? console.log(e) : '')

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Return to the terminal and run the entry script with the inspect option.

node inspect index.js

Run the c command to move to the first/next breakpoint.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Let's watch the numbers while moving to the following execution line using the n command.

debug> watch('numbers')
debug> n

From the output, there is no problem with the numbersArray() function because it generates and returns an array of five numbers.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Let's unwatch the numbers variable before continuing to the next breakpoint.

debug> unwatch('numbers')
debug> c

Let's watch the records variable as we move to the following line.

debug> watch('records')
debug> n

The generateRecords() function returns five objects. Let's see the contents of the objects using the JSON.stringify() method.

Stop the debugging session,

debug> .exit

open the save.js file and stringify the objects by adding the JSON.stringify(records, null, 2)  line before the debugger breakpoint.

const generateRecords = (numberOfRecords) => {
let records = []

for (let number of numbersArray(numberOfRecords)) {
records.push({ recordId: randomUUID(), numberStored: number })

writeFile('db.json', '', e => e ? console.log(e) : '')
JSON.stringify(records, null, 2)
return records

Return to the terminal and continue debugging the code.

node inspect index.js

And continue into the generateRecords() function's breakpoint before watching the added expression.

debug> watch('JSON.stringify(records, null, 2)')
debug> n

There is no problem with the generateRecords() function because it returns the expected object.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Let's exit the debug mode, remove the JSON.stringify(records, null, 2) line, return to the debug terminal and continue debugging to the next breakpoint.

The debugger runs for a long time when we reach the last breakpoint, then stops, returning a fatal error that mentions size somewhere.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Even before we watch conditions, we can tell the problem lies in the saveRecords() function.


Solve the problem

Now that we have spotted the function with the problem, let's adjust the breakpoints to focus on the saveRecords() function only.

Remove the debugger from the numbersArray() and generateRecords() functions. And adjust its position inside the saveRecords(): inside the loop, and after pushing an element into the target array.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]

Return to the terminal and continue debugging the application.

node inspect index.js
debug> c

Let's watch the savedRecords array and the records array changing it.

debug> watch('savedRecords')
debug> watch('records')
debug> n

What did you notice?

  • The size of the savedRecords array does not change,
  • The size of the records array grows,
  • The loop does not end

It turns out that we were continually pushing the records array's elements into itself instead of the savedRecords array.

Let's stop the debugging and correct the problem.

debug> .exit

Let's return to the saveRecords() function's implementation and change its content


const saveRecords = (count) => {
const records = generateRecords(count)
let savedRecords = []

for (let record of records) {

writeFile('db.json', JSON.stringify(savedRecords, null, 2), e => e ? console.log(e) : '')


const saveRecords = (count) => {
const records = generateRecords(count)
let savedRecords = []

for (let record of records) {

writeFile('db.json', JSON.stringify(savedRecords, null, 2), e => e ? console.log(e) : '')

Node.js debugged codebase

Return to the terminal and run the entry script.

node index.js

We now have the expected output.

Learn Node.js debugging Tips & Tricks [With Examples]



In this tutorial, you learned Node.js debugging using the console.log(), and the Node.js inspect option: with and without the debugger breakpoints. Before that, the tutorial walked you through the types of errors you are likely to run into while using Node.js.

It would be best to familiarize yourself with the tools you have learned in this tutorial. After that, you can dive into Node.js debugging with specific code editors,' and the browser's debug tools. For example, you can use Visual Studio Code's built-in debugger or Google Chrome's Developer tools.


Steve Alila

Steve Alila

He specializes in web design, WordPress development, and data analysis, with proficiency in Python, JavaScript, and data extraction tools. Additionally, he excels in web API development, AI integration, and data presentation using Matplotlib and Plotly. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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