Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

Steve Alila


You want to move content from one git repo to another in the same cloud server while preserving the history. Better yet, you want to transfer a portion of the repo from server A to server B.

Either way, you are about to find a solution in this tutorial. Let us start with the requirements.


5 git commands to move content from one git repo to another

1. git clone

Following command creates a copy of a repository's online content on your local machine.

git clone <remote URL>


2. git remote

Git remote is a command to control the link between the local repository and its copy in the cloud server. The remote, also called the upstream, is a customizable URL. It mainly references a name (e.g., origin) and a branch (e.g., main).

You can set,

git remote add <name> <URL>


git remote remove <name>
# or use the short form, rm
git remote rm <name>


list the remote

git remote -v
# or peek directly into .git subdirectory
ls .git/logs/refs/remotes


3. git reset

The reset command plays a critical role as you move content from one git repo. It discards what you no longer need, creating a space for incoming content. It exists in three forms: mixed, soft, and hard.

The soft reset changes the HEAD's position without deleting the files. The mixed reset unstages a file. Lastly, git reset hard, which we will apply in this tutorial, deletes commit objects and discard the affected files from the filesystem.


4. git mv

Although there are many ways to move a file in git, we will stick to the mv command and git filter-branch. Git mv command moves or renames a file.

git mv <old location> <target destination>

You can force a move using the -f option.

git mv -f <old location> <target destination>


5. git filter-branch

The git filter-branch command rewrites git revision history, rewriting the branches depending on the supplied option. The options can change each tree and its information. For instance, the --subdirectory-filter option, that we will use in this tutorial,

git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter <target subdirectory> -- --all

only acts on the specified subdirectory. It enables us to create multiple repositories from the main repository.

In five steps, let us use the above commands to move content from one git repo to another.


Set up a lab to move content from one git repo to another

I am creating a repository on GitLab called move_content.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

I copy its URL and clone it locally.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

Navigate into it and create two files and two directories with a file each.

cd move_content
​touch file1 file2
mkdir js py
cd js

touch main.js
​cat >> main.js
console.log("We want to move content from one git repo to another")
cd ..

cd py
cat >>
num1 = int(input("Enter num1: "))
operator = input("Operator: ")
num2 = int(input("Enter num2: "))

def calc():
    result = 0
    if operator == "+":
        result = num1 + num2
    elif operator == "-":
        result = num1 - num2
    elif operator == "*":
        result = num1 * num2
    elif operator == "/":
        result = num1 / num2
        print("Unknown operator")
    return result
print(f"{num1} {operator} {num2} = {calc()}")
cd ..

Stage, commit, and push the changes.

​git add . 
git commit -m "Set up the project to move content from one git repo to another" 
git push

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

That is all we need for repo A. Let us use it to move content from the py directory to repo B on GitHub: migrate_repo.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

As you can see from the above screenshot, repo B lacks the py directory we want to move into it. Let us do it as follows.


Move content from one git repo to another in 5 steps

Step-1: Clone repo A and remove its upstream

We have cloned repo A from GitLab. Let us check and remove its upstream.

git remote -v

The current upstream is the origin. Remove it to avoid accidentally overwriting it. Then, confirm its deletion.

git remote rm origin
git remote -v​

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]


Step-2: Dissect the target portion

Let us chop off anything we do not need from repo A, except the py folder we are interested in. We can do that using the filter-branch command we learned earlier.

git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter py -- --all

In case we have remnants of unwanted data, we can delete them using the following commands:

git reset --hard
git gc --aggressive 
git prune
git clean -fd​

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

The reset command checks for remnants of the unneeded objects and discards them. The garbage collection (gc) command cleans any mess made while dissecting the py subdirectory from repo A.

The prune command looks for unreachable git objects whose parents we have discarded and removes them from the filesystem. Finally, git clean with the -f and -d options checks for untracked files and folders and removes them from the working tree.


Step-3: Move dissected portion into a new directory

Let us make a directory with the -p option.

mkdir -p Python

The -p option informs the terminal to make parent directories if needed.

Now we shall loop through the lines in the .py file.

for f in *.py; do

And move them to the new directory

>  git mv $f Python

until the transaction is over.

>  done

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

Now that we have moved the target content into the new directory, let us commit the changes.

git commit -m "Transfer the dissected content into the new directory"

And navigate to repo B to move content from one git repo to another.

cd ..

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]


Step-4: Clone repo B and create for it a remote to repo A

Head over to the repo you want to transfer content into and clone it. I am cloning the GitHub repository called migrate_repo I showed you in the setup section.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

cd into it and create a remote to repo A and confirm the new remote.

cd migrate_repo
git remote add remote_to_A ../move_content

You can replace remote_to_A with any word.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]


Step-5: Fetch updates and push to repo B

Pull all changes and history from the remote's (we created in step~4) main branch, accommodating unrelated histories.

git pull remote_to_A main --allow-unrelated-histories

Our default text editor opens up, asking for a merge message.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

Give it a commit message to complete the transaction.

Move content from one git repo to another

We can then delete the temporary upstream because it has served its purpose: move content from one repo to another.

git remote rm remote_to_A

And push the changes to repo B's remote.

git push

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

We can then confirm the completed transaction on GitHub.

Move content from one git repo to another [5 simple steps]

We have moved the py directory from repo A (on GitLab) to repo B (on GitLab) without losing the folder's history.



It is easy to move content from one git repo to another by following straightforward steps. It starts by understanding the key commands needed in the process. You then dive into a step-by-step transfer of the target content, ensuring you preserve the history.

As explained in this tutorial, you can move content between the same server repositories or repositories of different code tracking servers.


Views: 217

Steve Alila

He specializes in web design, WordPress development, and data analysis, with proficiency in Python, JavaScript, and data extraction tools. Additionally, he excels in web API development, AI integration, and data presentation using Matplotlib and Plotly. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or check his projects on GitHub page.

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