.gitignore examples to ignore files, folder & pattern



Introduction to .gitignore file

When you push files to your remote repository like Github, the files you've pushed can be viewed by anyone. This can be stressful as some of the files may be containing confidential data that should not be shared publicly. This should not stress you now, Git has a way of protecting your files in a very easy and simple way.

Git observes every file in your project folder in three main ways:

  • Tracked files: these are files that have been previously committed or staged for commit.
  • Untracked files: these are files that are have not been committed or staged for commit.
  • Ignored files: these are files that Git is to ignore.

The .gitignore is a file containing a list of files or folders that allows you to command Git to pass over/ignore in the local repository while pushing commits. The .gitignore file is mainly found in the main folder of a project. Git can not ignore files and folders on your local branch unless you intentionally remove them from the branch to your .gitignore file. This means that all files and folders in your local repository are added to commit in case you use the git add . . This git add . command stages every file into a commit.

Mostly, developers like to ignore output folders, compiled code, and concealed system files. For example, if you’ve got a .env file in your project folder, you may wish to hide it because the .env file contains API keys that you may not be willing to commit. In Git, there is no .gitignore command to be used to ignore files. For Git to ignore your files, you must intentionally create a list of all the files and folders you want to be ignored and add them to the .gitignore file.


Lab Environment

To clearly master how .gitignore file works,  it is important to have hand-on experience on how to go about it. I will clone git_examples repository from gitlab to my local workstation which we will use to demonstrate the examples from this article:

gitignore usage explained in detail [With Examples]


1. Create .gitignore file

Making a .gitignore file in your local repository is simple. On your terminal/command shell, cd to your project repository/directory and use touch command to create the hidden file.

~$ cd Projects/

~/Projects$  touch .gitignore

You can use ls -al to list all the files including any hidden file. The file does not need any configuration setting for it to work.


Let's take a look at an example. In your project folder, we have untracked files and folders as seen below:

$ git status
On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

It's a bit pointless to track the .DS_Store and node_modules/ files in our repo. The DS_Store is a macOS invisible file that is automatically created when you open a folder with Finder. On the other hand, the node_module folder contains downloaded npm libraries that anyone can download on their machine, so we'll have to ignore them.

To ignore these files we will add DS_Store file and node_modules folder in .gitignore file which we created earlier.


Check the git status command, now the DS_Store file and node_modules folder are not in the untracked files and are stored in our .gitignore file

$ git status
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


2. What type of files should be added in the .gitignore file

  • Log files.
  • Unwanted system files, for example, DS_Store on macOS.
  • Generated files like the Dist folder.
  • Dependencies that can be downloaded.
  • Files that contain API keys, credentials, or any sensitive data.
  • Compiled binary files such as .pyc scripts from python programs


3. How .gitignore works

  • A .gitignore file is a plain file where every line contains patterns for files and directories to ignore.
  • The file is placed in the repository's root folder but can also be placed in any directory in the repository.
  • You can also have multiple .gitignore files in one repository.
  • The location of the .gitginore file determines the pattern to be used.
  • The .gitignore uses globbing patterns to match filenames that have wildcard characters.


4. Create multiple .gitignore in different directories

Git allows you to have a .gitignore file in any directory within your repository. Each file affects its directory and all subdirectories. To resolve a hierarchy with multiple .gitignore directories and to allow command-line addenda to the list of ignored files, Git honors the following precedence, from highest to lowest:

  • Patterns specified on the command line.
  • Patterns read from .gitignore in the same directory.
  • Patterns in parent directories, proceeding upward. Hence, the current directory’s patterns overrule the parents’ patterns, and parents close to the current directory take precedence over higher parents.
  • Patterns from the .git/info/exclude file.
  • Patterns from the file specified by the configuration variable


5. Examples of pattern matching in .gitignore

In this section we will cover some examples to ignore files and directories based on pattern match:


5.1 Adding comments using hash (#)

Blank lines are ignored, and lines starting with a hash mark (#) can be used for comments. However, the hash mark does not represent a comment if it follows other text on the line.

# Javascript node_modules

# API keys


5.2 Ignoring folders or directories using forwards slash (/)

The forward slash symbol ( / ) is used as a folder separator. When used at the start of a pattern, it is relative to the folder where the .gitignore file resides.

# ignore Project directory

If there is no slash at the start of a pattern, it matches files and folders in any folder or subfolder.


If the pattern has a slash at the end, it matches only folders. If a folder/ directory is ignored, all the subdirectories and files in that folder are also ignored.

If a directory is marked to be ignored then any files or directories inside this directory will also be ignored by default. Using negate (!) pattern will also not be able to exclude files or directories from these excluded directory.


5.3 Ignore zero or more characters after match

There are three different regex pattern which can be used with .gitignore:

  • The asterisk symbol (*) matches zero or additional characters.
  • The double asterisk ** symbols, it equals any file or zero or additional directories. When you have two * * then a slash, it matches only folders.
  • The question mark (?) symbol matches exactly one character

When you have two ** at the end of a pattern and a slash symbol, it equals anything inside the named folder.


The question mark symbol (?) equals any solo character. For example, out?.log may mean out0.log, out1.log, out3.log


5.4 Ignore a range of characters with square brackets []

The square brackets equal any of the characters that are inside the brackets. When two characters are separated by a - (hyphen), it shows a range of characters, and the range comprises all characters between the two characters. The range can either be alphabet or numeric.

If the first character in the pattern following the [ is an exclamation mark (!), the pattern matches some of the characters except the specified set.

For example,

  • A pattern *. [oa] matches file.o and file.a both.
  • A pattern * . [!oa ] it may mean that it matches file.s, file.1 and file.o


5.5 Exclude files from ignore list with negate (!) pattern

Any pattern that begins with an exclamation mark (!) re-include any files that were previously ignored by the previous pattern. This rule aims to re-include files that the parent folder excluded.


Based on this pattern, error.log or logs/error.log will be ignored but example.log or logs/example.log will not be ignored

You can not negate a file that is inside an ignored folder.


In this case, git will still ignore logs/example.log because the whole logs folder is ignored.


5.6 gitignore pattern match examples

This table contains some more examples to demonstrate the behaviour of different pattern matching used in .gitignore file:

Pattern Match (Will be ignored) No Match (Will not be ignored) Comments
logs/ logs/debug.log
Adding a forward slash at the end represents directory.
All the files and directory in the provided directory will be ignored
dir/important_file Even though we have used Negate to exclude logs/important_file but when we add a directory for exclusion then git will never look inside that directory so we cannot individually exclude files inside excluded folder
logs/debug.log logs/important_file Now we have specified an asterisk after logs/* so git will not ignore logs directory itself but all the files inside logs directory so now you can add Negate for individual files
/dir1/*/file.log /dir1/dir2/file.log
/dir1/dir2/dir4/file.log Single asterisk (*) will match a single file or folder
/dir1/**/file.log /dir1/dir2/file.log
/dir1/dir2/dir4/file123.log Double asterisk (**) matches any strings of folders
/dir1/**/file*.log /dir1/dir2/dir4/file123.log   We have combined double and single asterisk here from above examples to match the pattern
cron[0-9].log cron0.log
Provide a range of numbers or text between 0-9 or A-Z or a-z to match in the pattern. One block of square brackets will match single character only.
To match multiple characters, provide multiple square brackets, such as [0-9][0-9] etc
cron[09].log cron0.log
Since we have not specified a range here inside the square brackets, so only provided single digit will be matched
cron[!09].log cron2.log
Using a negate pattern we have switched the pattern matching so now all integers except 0 and 9 will be matched
!important_file logs/important_file
We use negate pattern (!) to exclude a file or directory but the entire string should match unless a different regex pattern is used
*.log?? file1.log10
? is used to match a single character. Since we have used two ?? so the regex expects exactly two character to have a match


6. Personal .gitignore Rules

You can also express your personal ignore patterns for any repository in a unique file

.git/info/exclude. These files remain unsorted and undistributed. This makes it a better place to add patterns that will only be of importance to you. They only work on that particular repository, and they do need to be committed.

Inside your Git folder there is a /info/exclude  that works the same way as .gitignore file.

Add files that only you want to ignore in your project


Now, the files above are only ignored in our local clone but if we want them to be universally ignored they should be placed in .gitignore file


7. Global .gitignore Rules

Additionally, you can create global Git ignore patterns by setting Git core.excludesFile property for all repositories on your local branch. The file can be kept in your home directory for easy spotting. They affect every directory/repository you use on your computer, and they do not require committing. Once the file is ready, you have to configure its location with git config.

The files added should be used in storing files that are specific to your production environment only. For example, if you are a Windows user, you may want to have a thumb.db file and since other developers using the same repository may not be using Windows, the presence of a thumb.db file repository gitginore would not benefit them. Let us create a global Git ignore pattern.

First, create your .gitignore file.

$ touch .gitignore

Add files to your .gitignore file.

# inside .gitignore file
# Windows

Finally, let us configure git to apply our new .gitignore file.

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore


8. List all Ignored Files

The git status command is used to show the state of the local repository and the staging area. But by default it will not list any ignored files. You can use --ignored argument with git status command to list all the .gitignored files in the repository:

gitignore usage explained in detail [With Examples]


9. Commit ignore files

One of the frequently asked questions is, can files that have been ignored be committed? It is possible to commit  ignored files by the use of the force option (-f  or --force) while you git add 

In this example we try and commit a file  that has already been ignored (test/important_file)

gitignore usage explained in detail [With Examples]


Next we use git add -f to add this file forcefully to our repository:

deepak@ubuntu:~/git_examples$ git add -f test/important_file

Next check the status again, as you can see our file has been added successfully:

gitignore usage explained in detail [With Examples]

Now we can go ahead and commit this file:

$ git commit -m "Adding an ignored file" test/important_file
[new-feature 3e17cea] Adding an ignored file
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/important_file


10. Stashing an ignored file

The git stash command is a powerful feature that temporarily shelves changes that you have made on your working file so that you can focus on something else and then revisit and re-apply the changes later. Stashing is convenient if you urgently need to switch context and focus on something else, but you have not completed your task and can not be committed. By default, git stash ignore all ignored files and only stashes files that are tracked by Git. But, you can initiate a git stash -u ( untracked file) or with the --all option to stash changes ignored and untracked files.

# our .gitignore file consist:-

Now we are going to git stash -u  to stash our untracked files.

$ git stash -u
Saved working directory and index state WIP on main: a4695ae Create Front-end

All our files have been  stashed, now let us confirm by using git status to see the state of our repository

$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Now to re-apply our files back to our repository lets git stash pop

$ git stash pop
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
	new file:   API.env
	new file:   debug.log
	new file:   index.css
	new file:   index.html
	new file:   index.js

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Dropped refs/stash@{0} (2a7eb1777c651416cb2c780d81b2e21a3ac57f08)


11. Debugging .gitignore File

In some cases there can be a challenge determining the reason why some files are being ignored, this happens mostly when you have multiple .gitignore files or many complex patterns. This is where we use the git check-ignore command with an option -v to tell Git to showcase matching pattern's details.

Let's see our .gitignore file

# inside the .gitignore file

For example, to check why is www/config.lock ignored. We would run,

$git check-ignore -v www/config.lock
.gitignore:6:/configuration/www/config.lock              www/config.lock

The output  will show the path to the .gitignore file, the actual pattern, and the line number of the rule which matches the pattern.


12. Advantages of the .gitignore

Apart from ensuring that Git does not track particular files and directories, there are other advantages that come with using a .gitignore file.

  1. It aids in organizing the code repository by ignoring unwanted directories and files.
  2. It aids in keeping the size of the repository under control, which is helpful when working on a big project.
  3. It ensures that you do a good commit, pull request, and push.



In this tutorial we covered following topics:

  • Introduction to .gitignore file
  • Creating a .gitignore file
  • What type of git files should be ignored
  • Different examples to match pattern with .gitignore
  • How gitignore works
  • Advantages of .gitignore


Further Reading

gitignore Documentation - Git

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad

Deepak Prasad is the founder of GoLinuxCloud, bringing over a decade of expertise in Linux, Python, Go, Laravel, DevOps, Kubernetes, Git, Shell scripting, OpenShift, Networking, and Security. His extensive experience spans development, DevOps, networking, and security, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for diverse projects.

Certifications and Credentials:

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
  • Go Developer Certification
  • Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Python Institute PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile and join his Facebook and LinkedIn page.

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