git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]


Author: Steve Alila
Reviewer: Deepak Prasad


Introduction - git revert to previous commit

git revert to previous commit is a safe way to undo code changes. The simplest way to start using it is to understand its significance in git workflow and syntax by going through various examples, as you will see in this article.

3 Commands to enable git revert to previous commit

Git works by tracking changes made to the code. The centralized workflow enables developer collaborations and code documentation. You can add and commit Changes to local or remote git repositories, such as Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket.

Besides git checkout, the two primary paths you can take to undo commits are git reset and git revert. Your choice of either method depends on your work environment (local or remote git repository) or the level of undoing permanency you seek.


git reset vs git revert explained

Before we go ahead with git revert to previous commit, you must understand the difference between git reset and git revert. At the end of this article, you will have to decide to use either to revert to the previous commit.

git reset only undoes changes made locally. git revert, on the other hand, undoes changes both local and remote changes on the repo. That prevents a commit CONFLICT error that often results when you do --hard reset.

Unlike git reset, which focuses on the most recent code changes, git revert undoes changes in any commit. Instead of deleting changes from the history, it undoes the changes and makes a new commit by asking for a commit message.

The ability to ease file tracking and prevent CONFLICT issues makes git revert an essential tool for every developer to undo changes in the remote repo.

Assume we have 3 commits:

  • git revert 2, will create a new commit that will undo the changes from 2.
  • git revert 1, will create a new commit that will undo the changes in 1 but will not touch changes in 2. Note that if the changes in 2 are dependent on changes in 1, the revert of 1 is not possible.
  • git reset --soft 1, will change the commit history and repository; staging and working directory will still be at state 3.
  • git reset --mixed 1, will change the commit history, repository, and staging; working directory will still be at the state of 3.
  • git reset --hard 1, will change the commit history, repository, staging, and working directory; you will go back to the state of 1 completely.


Git Workflow to perform git revert to previous commit

There are a couple of methods you can choose to revert to previous commit, I will try to cover them based on different scenarios:

## Switch to your branch where you wish to perform revert
git checkout <branch>

## List the commit history
git log --oneline


Scenario-1: Temporarily achieve git revert to previous commit

If you wish to do some hit and trial with the previous commits without disturbing other commits then you should use git checkout

git checkout <commit-id>

If you want to create a new branch starting from a certain commit id then you can use:

git checkout -b <new-branch> <commit-id>


Scenario-2: git revert to previous commit by deleting all un-pushed commits

If you want to revert to the previous commit and delete all commits in between, you can use git reset. But this is assuming that you have not pushed your changes to the remote repo.

## Save your uncommitted work
git stash

## Reset your local branch to a certain commit-id
## This will destroy all commits done till this stage
git reset --hard <commit-id>

## Restore your un-committed changes
git stash pop


Scenario-3: Revert previous commits with new commits

You made some mistake in one of your commits, and you want to fix it with a new commit. So you can use git revert in such a scenario.

git revert --no-commit <commit-id>..HEAD

This will revert everything from the HEAD back to the commit hash, meaning it will recreate that commit state in the working tree as if every commit after <commit-id> had been walked back.


Set up Lab Environment

Before using git revert to previous commit, it is essential to have an environment to simulate the scenarios as we covered above. Here, we will build a history of three commits.

I am using GitHub to create a new repo, my-code, to demonstrate the steps to perform git revert to previous commit.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

I will clone this newly created repo into my Windows laptop.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

You can achieve a similar result by running.

git clone <remote repo address>

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

cd into the cloned folder, and create two files (index.html, style.css).

touch index.html style.css

Check the untracked files using the commands.

git status

We see two untracked (red) files, as shown in the following screenshot.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

Let's git add . and git commit the changes with the message -m "add html and css".

Recheck git status, followed by git log --oneline. Here is what you see.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

Let's continue building the history of changes to enable git revert to previous commit.

Add more code lines in the html file, such as:

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

Let's recheck the status of the repo.

git status

We see that we have modified index.html but it is not tracked.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

Let's add, commit and push the changes to the remote repo.

We should see the changes on the remote repo, as shown below:

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

git log --oneline shows we have three commits in the history.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

The seven-digit numbers, 37585d7, 3c056d1, and ac4c63a, help track the commit history. We can use the ids to achieve git revert to previous commits.

They are short forms of the entire history. Enter git log on the terminal instead of git log to see the whole hash.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

Now is the time to do some git revert to previous commit by running the three typical commands (checkout, reset and revert).


Example-1: Temporarily revert to previous commit using  git checkout

git checkout helps us discard changes in the working tree. For instance, we can dump all the latest changes made to index.html.

git checkout index.html

or discard all changes in the working area using a period (.), as follows:

git checkout .

Likewise, we can use the commit id

git checkout 37585d7

or create a new branch starting from a specific commit id then you can use:

git checkout -b test 37585d7


Example-2: Use git reset to revert to previous commit

We want to revert to the previous commit and delete all commits from the history. We can use git reset depending on the stage of change.

  • git reset --mixed HEAD~1 removes the latest commit in the history, keeping all files added before the reset in the working area.
  • git reset --soft HEAD~1 keeps all the changes in the staging area.

After the reset, git status shows that the index.html file got modified.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

git reset --hard HEAD~1 discards all the working tree and working area changes. You should use the command to revert changes not pushed to the remote repo. Otherwise, you will not recover the commits and get a CONFLICT error resulting from a code difference between remote and local repos.

Recheck the log history by running the commands:

git log --oneline

This time around, we discarded one commit history, and the head is at the add html and css commit instead of add h1 commit.


Example-3: Safely revert to previous commit using git revert

Assume we want to undo the changes we made to the HTML file. According to the above history, our focus is on id 3c056d1. Enter git revert 3c056d1. Git prompts us to enter a commit message via the code editor.

We can go with the default commit message, Revert "add html and css ". Did you notice what happened? The contents of our HTML file got cleared, and a message like this remained on the terminal:

1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)

git revert to previous commit

If you git log --oneline, you realize that git revert has not affected the history. Instead, it has undone the changes and made a new commit to accommodate the reverts.


Here is another git revert to previous commit example.

Assume we want to undo every change made after we cloned the repo.

Head over to the terminal. git log --oneline to see all commit ids.  Type git revert [initial commit id]. In my case, I'll enter git revert ac4c63a.

git revert to previous commit [Practical Examples]

And voila, we are back to the initial stage!



git revert to previous commit is one of the most crucial practices that every software developer should understand. It enables you to undo changes in code without affecting the commit history. The simplest way to start using it is to understand situations when it outperforms git reset then play with it from local and remote repositories.


Further Reading

How do I revert a Git repository to a previous commit?


Steve Alila

Steve Alila

He specializes in web design, WordPress development, and data analysis, with proficiency in Python, JavaScript, and data extraction tools. Additionally, he excels in web API development, AI integration, and data presentation using Matplotlib and Plotly. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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